Medical terms
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Blepharospasm (blepharospasmus; Greek blepharon - eyelid + Greek spasmos - spasm) - contraction (spasm) of the secular part of the circular muscle of the eye
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Nearsightedness - an anomaly of refraction of the eye, characterized by the location of the main focus of the optical system of the eye between the lens and the retina
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Heart block - a condition characterized by impaired conduction of electrical impulses generated by the natural pacemaker of the heart
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Pain point (punctum dolorosum) - an area on the surface of the body, when the area is shaken and pressed, a painful sensation appears
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Hospital I is a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide the population with inpatient, and in the case of a polyclinic department also with out-of-hospital, medical care
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Hospital II - in the medical service of the Civil Defense, a medical institution located in the hospital base, intended for the provision of specialized qualified medical care, as well as the treatment of the sick and injured
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Bohm operation is a surgical operation for hallux valgus, during which the exostosis of the inner surface of the head of the I metatarsal bone and the trapezoidal area located in its middle part are resected, with further displacement of the remaining distal and proximal areas
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Wart (verruca) - a benign skin neoplasm in the form of a papilla or nodule, the basis of which is the proliferation of cells of the papillary layer of the dermis and epidermis
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Bradycardia (bradycardia; Greek bradys - slow + Greek kardia - heart) - reduced heart rate
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Fermentation (fermentatio) - enzymatic breakdown into simpler compounds of organic substances, mainly carbohydrates
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Bronchus (s) - an organ that is a branch of the trachea and belongs to the lower respiratory tract; placed in the lungs, in the pleural sacs and in the mediastinum, provides air delivery to the lungs and its output, as well as the removal of lumps of mucus, dust particles, microorganisms, etc
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Bronchiolitis - inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles, most often of bacterial or viral origin; in the form of an independent disease is noted in children of the first year of life
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Bronchoadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes adjacent to the large bronchi and trachea, as well as in the tissue of the mediastinum
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Bronchiectasis - observed with anomalies in the development of the bronchial tree or inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the walls, expansion of limited areas of the bronchi
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Brucellosis is an infectious disease, a member of the group of bacterial zoonoses, excited by microorganisms of the genus Brucella, transmitted by contact or alimentary from sick animals to humans
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Bubo (bubo; Latin tumor, from the Greek bubon - groin, tumor in the groin) - an enlarged superficial lymph node due to the inflammatory process
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Tuberositas - the area to which ligaments, tendons and muscles are attached, which is an elevation with a rough surface on the bone
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Bougie (from the French bougie - probe) - a medical instrument, which is a flexible or rigid rod used for gradual expansion or examination of organs that have a tubular shape
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Bursitis - flowing in the synovial bag and accompanied by the accumulation of exudate in its cavity, an inflammatory process
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Vaccine I - a preparation made from killed cultures of microorganisms or live attenuated (weakened) strains, their antigens or toxins, intended for active immunization of humans and animals
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Vaccination I - a method of forming active immunity to an infectious disease by introducing a vaccine into the body of an animal or human
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Vaccination - a complication of smallpox vaccination, manifested in the form of dermatosis caused by the spread of the smallpox vaccine virus
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Vasculitis is an inflammatory process; synonym: angiitis) - inflammation that occurs in the walls of blood vessels
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Cotton wool is a loose mass of randomly entangled synthetic or plant fibers laid in layers; in medicine it is mainly used as a dressing material
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The venous plexus is a complex of anastomosing veins of various sizes
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Ventilation - exchange of air in a confined space for cleaned or outside air
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Artificial ventilation of the lungs is a method of maintaining gas exchange in the body by means of periodic artificial movement of air or other gas mixture into the lungs and then back into the environment
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Vibrio is a genus of microorganisms belonging to the Vibrionaceae family, including gram-negative movable rods, straight or curved in the form of a comma, equipped with one or two polarly placed flagella
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Vitamin (s) - irreplaceable components of nutrition of organic origin, found in food in trace amounts, not related to plastic materials or energy sources, but taking part in the regulation of physiological and biological processes
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Infusion (infusio; synonym: infusion) - parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) the introduction into the body of large volumes of fluid (for example, blood, drugs, blood substitutes)
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Suggestio (synonym: suggestion) in psychotherapy is a process of purposeful mental impact, which is perceived by the subject without critical assessment, with a decrease in consciousness, passively
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Algae Algae (Algae) is a group of autotrophic, mainly aquatic, lower plants containing chlorophyll that are not dissected into stems, roots and leaves and are able to assimilate carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
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Age (1) - the duration of a period of time from the moment of birth to the present or to some other specific moment in time
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Age (2) (synonym: age period) - a specific stage (period) of the socio-psychological and biological development of an individual
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Hair (pili) - filamentary derivatives of the skin epidermis
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Villi - protrusions or outgrowths of various membranes, which increase their active surface, provide direct interaction of the membrane with the environment and adjacent tissues
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Medical area - a territorial unit with a certain number of residents or employees and workers united according to the production principle, which is assigned to a specific doctor of the polyclinic in order to provide medical care, study the state of health and carry out preventive measures
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Dislocation (luxatio) - persistent displacement of the articular ends of the connecting bones beyond the boundaries of their physiological mobility, leading to dysfunction of the joint
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Traction is a method of treating diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as well as their consequences, in which force is applied along the axis of the trunk and / or limb to overcome muscle retraction and eliminate the displacement of bone fragments, lengthen the limb, correct contractures, etc
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Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus