Bohm Operation - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Bohm Operation - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Bohm Operation - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:


Boma operation

Bohm operation (S. G. Bom, Soviet surgeon, 1889-1945)

Allocate Bohm's operation:

  1. Surgical operation for hallux valgus (outward curvature of the big toe), during which the exostosis (outgrowth) of the inner surface of the head of the first metatarsal bone and the trapezoidal area located in its middle part are resected, with further displacement of the remaining distal and proximal areas;
  2. Surgical operation, during which tendon-muscle plasty is performed with paralytic calcaneal foot by reducing the length of the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon, after performing a transverse tenotomy, and longitudinal dissection of its ends, with the inclusion of the tendon of the peroneus longus muscle in the suture; the tendon of the short peroneal muscle is moved to the heel bone inwardly from the calcaneal tendon, and the anterior tibial muscle is moved to the rear of the foot;
  3. Arthrodesis of the knee joint, carried out after gunshot wounds, characterized by the fact that the patella freed from cartilage is placed in a bed prepared in the tibia and femur, which helps to accelerate the ankylosis process;
  4. Bohm's modification of the operation, during which two bone autografts are additionally formed from the tibia of a healthy leg, inserted into the grooves on the antero-outer and antero-inner surfaces, juxtaposed with the tibia and femur on the sides of the patella.

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