8 interesting facts about the female intimate zone

According to statistics, almost every second woman has insufficient knowledge about her intimate area. This is a rather sad fact, because, according to all the same statistics, it is the lack of awareness that often prevents a woman from enjoying intimacy.
Meanwhile, this organ is able to give a woman an unforgettable experience if you know how to use it correctly. Therefore, below are the most interesting facts regarding erotic female anatomy.
Fact 1. Vagina is not the whole intimate area
The intimate zone is usually called the external female genital organs. This term is much more extensive. The intimate zone is a canal that runs along the entire body, from the external genitals to the cervix. The intimate area, in addition to the vagina, includes the clitoris, urethra, labia majora and minora, perineum, cervix, bladder, anus, uterus, and ovaries.
Fact 2. The vagina is very elastic and has folded walls
Yes, the vagina is so elastic that it can clasp a gigantic penis, and after sex shrink back to its previous size. The female body has a wonderful feature - it adapts to the size and shape of the current lover.
Most of the time, the walls of the intimate zone are quite close to each other. But when necessary, it opens like an umbrella. And during childbirth, the vagina is generally capable of opening 10 cm wide or even more.
However, after giving birth, some women complain that their vagina has somewhat lost its elasticity. Regular Kegel exercises can help deal with this problem.
Fact 3. The vaginas of different women are very similar
True, this applies only to the inside of the vagina, but the vulva of every woman is unique. The labia majora may not be noticeable at all, but they can reach several centimeters in size. The small lips, shaped like the wings of a butterfly, can be hidden, or they can hang down even below the large lips. Most women have an asymmetrical labia. This is completely normal and in no case should embarrass a woman. The size of the clitoris is also different for each woman. On average, it is usually 2-3 cm.
By the way, the sensitivity of the clitoris and labia is also different for every woman. It can be higher on the left or right. To find out which side is more sensitive, you can experimentally.
Fact 4. The inside of the vagina is filled with bacteria
Do not be alarmed, as most of these bacteria are vital for a woman. Thanks to them, women's health is maintained, as bacteria protect the vagina from infections.

Fact 5. The vagina is capable of self-cleaning
A truly amazing self-cleaning ability. A woman does not need to try to rinse hard-to-reach intimate areas under the shower or in any other way. Thanks to the daily secretions, the body cleanses itself from the inside. The secretions wash away all unnecessary bacteria, water and dirt from the walls of the vagina, and naturally remove them from the body.
So the only thing a woman needs to take care of is the hygiene of the surrounding areas. For this purpose, it is better to use special gels for intimate hygiene, as ordinary soaps can damage the natural balance and cause irritation.
Fact 6. The vagina has a specific smell
Before menstruation, the vagina has a sour smell, and after they are over, it is sharp. The smell can become more pronounced during sex (due to the release of natural lubrication), or during sports (due to sweat).
Fact 7. Every woman's intimate area is different in color from other parts of the body
For many women with fair skin, the intimate area has a purple or brownish tint. But in dark-skinned people, the intimate zone is often lighter than their body. In addition, in different places the intimate area can be colored in different ways. For example, the crotch may be pale pink and the labia may be dark.
Fact 8. The structure of the discharge changes throughout the cycle
For example, during ovulation, the discharge is more abundant, has a liquid and transparent structure. And before menstruation, they thicken and become creamy. If a woman noticed curdled discharge and itching in the perineum, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist.
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