The Joints Of The Hands Hurt. What To Do?

The Joints Of The Hands Hurt. What To Do?
The Joints Of The Hands Hurt. What To Do?

The joints of the hands hurt. What to do?

The joints of the hands hurt. What to do?
The joints of the hands hurt. What to do?

When we want to emphasize the particular importance of an object, we use the expression "as without hands." Because "like no hands" is really bad. But when the joints of the hands hurt, then the person is like without hands, almost in the literal sense of the word. Why is this happening? The most common cause is arthritis in one form or another. Such inflammation of the joint belongs to polyetiologic diseases. This means that it can be caused by many factors.

Arthritis can develop on one joint, as in trauma, on symmetrical ones, as in rheumatoid arthritis, or in general on all joints of the hands, as in polyarthritis. In addition to arthritis, when the entire joint is involved in the inflammatory process, there may be an isolated disease of one of the joint tissues. For example, among athletes, one of the common occupational diseases is bursitis of the elbow joint - inflammation of the joint capsule. Why do these diseases occur, in which the joints of the hands hurt?

The number one prerequisite for joint damage is trauma. It can be a minor, not particularly noticeable, but permanent injury that causes chronic inflammation. Acute severe trauma is also possible, causing a violation of the anatomical integrity of the joint tissues, and the inflammatory process is already a consequence of this. The second most common reason why the joints of the hands hurt is the involvement of the joints in the rheumatic process. Rheumatic lesions are caused by a malfunction of the immune system when, for some unknown reason, the body's immune cells suddenly start attacking connective tissue. Since there is the most such tissue in the joints, it suffers more from rheumatism.

The next disease - arthritis can be caused by the ingress of an infection into the joint cavity, introduced either directly from injury to the periarticular tissues, or with a flow of lymph from an inflammatory focus in the body. This happens in weakened people against the background of ongoing chronic diseases.

How to treat hand joints
How to treat hand joints

What to do when hand joints hurt? First, make sure that the joints are not exposed to constant micro-trauma, for example, a forced uncomfortable position during work. Secondly, you need to see a doctor as early as possible. The fact is that the inflammatory process gradually destroys the joint, and if measures are not taken in time, then the destruction can be significant, and even lead to disability. An adequate course of therapy will eliminate inflammation, stop the destruction of the joint and relieve pain.

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