Breast after abortion
Abortion is a traumatic procedure. The condition after an abortion can be difficult in both the physiological and psychological sense.

When pregnancy occurs, the processes necessary for the development and preservation of the fetus are triggered in the female body. And if this process is forcibly stopped, then the body will react to such a stop very painfully. Often, women have chest pain after an abortion, since the mammary glands are very sensitive to any changes in the body. Chest pain after an abortion can signal the occurrence of all kinds of complications (mastopathy or even tumors).
Why does my chest hurt after an abortion
Before pregnancy, there are very few cells in the female breast that produce milk and other substances. But the breasts are mostly made up of connective tissue. During pregnancy, the number of cells required for milk production increases dramatically due to the increased production of estrogen and other sex hormones. This explains the appearance of increased breast sensitivity - the first symptom of pregnancy.
Due to the increase in the network of lactation ducts during this period, the risk of the development and further multiplication of cancer cells increases. The likelihood of developing cancer decreases after the baby is born, when the breast cells are fully ready to produce milk.
The process of breast maturation after an abortion stops at the very moment when the breast tissue is very susceptible to the development of cancer. And some may develop large and small benign nodules at this time.
Breast cells return to the state they were in before pregnancy. After an abortion, the breast is restored rather quickly with a not very serious restructuring of the body, when the gestation period is not yet long. However, individual cells never return to their previous state, and therefore there is a high probability that tumors of different types can develop from them.
According to medical statistics, in women who have had more than two abortions, the risk of mastopathy increases seven to eight times. It doesn't really matter how the interrupt was done. In any case, the chest hurts after an abortion and the normal hormonal background of the woman's body is disrupted.
Sometimes the breast after an abortion hurts due to the fact that the termination of the pregnancy was unsuccessful. After an unsuccessful abortion, the fetus continues to develop.
If chest pain after an abortion does not stop for a long time, then you need to contact a mammologist. He will find out the true cause of painful sensations and determine the general condition of the breast.
Condition after abortion: recovery methods
The condition after an abortion is very often such that rehabilitation is necessary. After the abortion, antibiotics may be prescribed.

To speed up recovery from an abortion, it is necessary to suspend sexual activity until the end of the first menstrual cycle after an abortion.
For two to three weeks after termination of pregnancy, you should not lift heavy objects and engage in heavy physical labor.
You need to closely monitor your health, regularly measure your body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate. At the slightest deviation from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Abortion, like any surgical intervention, severely depletes the body. Therefore, nutrition during the recovery period should be complete and correct.
To restore the previous state after an abortion, it is very important to follow the rules of intimate hygiene.
A diet high in fiber will help normalize hormonal levels, and thus relieve chest pain after an abortion.
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