How To Deal With A State Of Neurosis

How To Deal With A State Of Neurosis
How To Deal With A State Of Neurosis

How to deal with a state of neurosis

Treat a state of neurosis
Treat a state of neurosis

It so happens that one day a person notices: anxiety has long and firmly entered his life, the dream has become short and intermittent, and after it fatigue remains, the nerves go to hell, and life has turned into aimless vegetation. As a rule, neurosis is to blame for these unpleasant symptoms. The state of neurosis is not at all just shattered nerves, as it is sometimes believed, which by themselves will come to order and life will improve by itself. This is a disease that requires treatment. Doctors distinguish between several types of neurosis: hysterical neurosis, neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depending on the type of disease, treatment can vary, but in any case, a doctor should select it.

Let's first talk about what not to do in a state of neurosis. The list of drugs that do not help with neurosis is headed by alcohol. It is believed that alcohol can help ease symptoms, improve sleep, and relieve stress. In fact, this is not the case. Alcohol enhances the mental state in which a person is. He easily turns joy into revelry, and neurosis and depression into black despair. In addition, in a state of neurosis, a person is not always aware of his actions, and "therapeutic" doses of alcohol can easily turn into alcohol dependence. And alcoholism is much more difficult to treat.

The second thing that you should not do in any case is to prescribe yourself antidepressants and sleeping pills on your own. Generally speaking, at present, doctors have come to the idea of the uselessness and even harmfulness of drug treatment of neuroses. Medicines are prescribed only in the acute phase, are taken in a short course and are always supplemented with non-drug treatment, which in this case is the main one.

The state of neurosis responds well to treatment with psychotherapy, since it always has psycho-emotional reasons.

Previously, as a treatment for neurosis, the doctor prescribed a trip to the water. Now this may bring a smile, but in fact the method is reasonable and effective. If you slightly change the outdated wording, then the advice sounds like this: change the environment. The slight stress that accompanies changes and travel, new acquaintances, the opportunity to look at your problems from a different point of view - often this is exactly what you need to break out of the vicious circle of habitual worries, hateful actions and seemingly insoluble problems.

The nerve condition responds well to treatment
The nerve condition responds well to treatment

In order to successfully cure a state of neurosis, you need to include in your life enough time for rest, establish a normal diet and daily routine, try to minimize stress, communicate with pleasant and close-minded people, walk in the fresh air and increase physical activity … It should be understood that it is possible to cope with the state of neurosis, but changes in life are inevitable.

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