Smoking cessation period: 10 ways to deal with the consequences
With the fact that smoking is very harmful, today no one argues. Each person decides for himself the question of giving up addiction, but not everyone clearly understands what consequences of this decision they will face. Meanwhile, the process of canceling the usual dose of nicotine causes significant discomfort for many people. For several weeks they suffer from mood swings, sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased physical and intellectual activity; they have a number of other symptoms that reduce their quality of life. Withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe: it is not for nothing that a significant proportion of attempts to quit smoking end in failure, and people return to using cigarettes.
Fortunately, there is a way to minimize discomfort. In this article, we'll show you ways you can make the transition to a smoke-free life easier.

Combating overeating
The body of a person who quits smoking is under severe stress. That is why during the period under consideration it is worth refraining from eating fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, so as not to increase the resulting "overload". To get rid of accumulated toxins as soon as possible, a large amount of liquid should be included in the diet: herbal teas, fruit compotes and fruit drinks, juices, mineral waters.
The smoking habit is both physiological and psychological. Withdrawal of the nicotine dose is often accompanied by increased consumption of "comfort" products. To relieve stress, people begin to consume foods that are high in fast carbohydrates and fats (candy, cakes, junk food, rich in flavorings). As an alternative to a cigarette, which a smoker keeps in his mouth for a significant part of the time, seeds, nuts, chips, and sweet chewing gum are used. It turns out that a person "seizes" his discomfort and, in fact, changes one bad habit for another.
It is with this factor that the idea is connected that smoking cessation provokes a rapid weight gain. In fact, the reason is not “canceled” cigarettes, but an increase in the consumption of high-calorie foods.
However, the problem is solved quite simply. If yesterday's smoker has an irresistible urge to gnaw or chew something, he needs to give preference to fruits, vegetables and herbs. An apple, cucumber, carrot, or even a celery stalk will not harm the body and will reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Temporary cessation of alcohol, strong coffee and tea
Nicotine is a powerful stimulant. The withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by a deficit of this kind of exposure and the desire to obtain similarly active substances from other sources. Typically, ex-smokers begin to abuse strong tea or coffee, and in the worst case, alcohol.
Obviously, this only exacerbates the problem. The caffeine found in coffee and strong teas increases agitation, anxiety and emotional instability, and causes sleep disturbances. Alcohol reduces self-control, which often contributes to a return to the smoking habit.

Saturation of the body with vitamins
Many vitamins are antioxidants that optimize metabolic processes and help remove waste products from the body. Doctors recommend taking multivitamin complexes for 1-1.5 months after quitting smoking.
In addition, do not forget about vegetables, fruits and berries - healthy and tasty sources of vitamins and minerals. It makes sense to start weaning from cigarettes in the summer, when the available range of valuable fruits is especially large.

Using distractions
Using mints or chewing gum can actually help reduce the discomfort of quitting smoking. These funds must be chosen in such a way that they do not harm health. Gum and hard candy should be sugar- and flavor-free and should be purchased from pharmacies.
There are also homeopathic pills designed for yesterday's smokers. Drinking such funds should be done with caution: they can provoke allergic reactions. The doctor should select homeopathic remedies.

The use of nicotine replacement therapy
Pharmacy chains now offer a wide range of dosage forms to relieve smoking cessation symptoms. These products (patches, chewing gum) contain nicotine in minimal doses. Their use helps to smooth out the symptoms of withdrawal, to make them less acute.
It is important to understand that the body's reaction to such funds is individual, so they should not be considered a panacea.

Using the deep breathing technique
A strong urge to smoke, accompanied by bouts of irritability, can be removed using the well-known practice of relaxation - "belly breathing". It is not harmful to health and is actively used in yoga complexes, oriental meditative techniques and in the training of athletes involved in martial arts.
The deep breathing technique is widespread. It's easy to learn, especially since exercise descriptions can be found on many Internet sites.

Finding peace of mind
A person who has given up cigarettes should understand that the emotional instability that he experiences is a temporary phenomenon that has objective reasons. Anxiety and mood swings can be minimized by taking herbal sedatives (valerian or motherwort tinctures, herbal teas, etc.). The choice of such a remedy should be entrusted to a doctor who will take into account the factor of individual intolerance and recommend the safest drug.

Compliance with the correct daily routine and physical activity
For a person experiencing the difficulties of quitting smoking, there is nothing more harmful than lack of sleep and overwork. In this state, it is very easy to succumb to the temptation to get the usual dose of nicotine in order to invigorate, get rid of physical and mental retardation. Therefore, in this situation, it is necessary to take care of the correct alternation of periods of work and rest and not to violate the daily routine.
At the same time, you can not give up sports. The fact is that physical activity activates the process of production of the so-called joy hormones by the body. They cheer up, stabilize the emotional background. Yesterday's smoker needs walks and active games in the fresh air, swimming, jogging. It's a good idea to go downhill skiing, combining physical activity with the beneficial effects of clean mountain air.

Psychological attitude and creation of the necessary environment
For a person who wants to quit smoking, it is very important that nothing reminds him of the addiction. That is why there should not be a single object next to it, the appearance of which would be associated with a cigarette. You need to remove lighters, ashtrays, cigarette cases, etc. from the apartment.
It is equally important to freshen the air in the room and get rid of smoke. Aroma lamps and houseplants can help with this. All clothing saturated with tobacco odors should be thoroughly washed and ventilated.

Organization of a smoke-free space
Former smokers often complain that others do not understand their condition and not only do not help in a difficult period of life, but also provoke to give up good intentions by smoking nearby. The situation can be corrected, but only partially.
The closest people can and should talk about their attempts to quit smoking and ask for assistance. If they help establish a "smoke-free" zone, it will be of great help to yesterday's nicotine user. At the same time, he should not forget that he is trying to change his own life, and not the moral image of others. Quitting smoking is a personal choice of each person, his own work on himself and his own victory.

Quitting smoking is not that difficult. Consistency and perseverance are important in this matter. Of course, it is impossible to achieve a positive result without the patient's conscious desire, but success also depends on the help that relatives can provide him. In addition, there are free drug treatment centers in which every smoker can get a qualified anonymous consultation on how to solve this problem.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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