Peony tincture
Instructions for use:
- 1. Composition of the preparation
- 2. Indications for use
- 3. Contraindications to use
- 4. Side effects
- 5. Instructions for use
- 6. Reviews of patients, recommendations of doctors
Peony tincture is a sedative medicine containing the root and herb of the peony duck. The drug is used for neurasthenic conditions, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders of various etiologies, and also has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant effect. In folk medicine, this drug is more widely used and is used in the treatment of metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for a general strengthening effect.
Composition of the preparation

Pharmacy peony tincture is made from the herb of the evading peony, infused with 40% alcohol. The duck peony is a perennial herb of the Peony family. The main habitat of this plant is Siberia, the European part of Russia, it is also found in Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia. The plant is a rare species and is listed in the Red Book.
Roots, rhizomes, as well as ground plant stems are used as raw materials for peony tincture. The roots and rhizomes are red-brown in color, have a pronounced odor and sweetish taste. The roots of the plant for making the tincture are harvested in any growing season, while the plant stems are harvested only during the flowering period.
Healing biologically active substances are accumulated in the roots of the plant. Among the active components of peony tincture are salicylic and benzoic acids, essential oils, glycosides and flavonoids, methyl salicylates, tannins, saponins, alkaloids.
When using the drug, it should be remembered that the use of medicinal herbs is still insufficiently studied due to the complexity of their composition. The evading peony is a poisonous plant. The tincture contains a 10% alcoholic solution of peony, which, if used correctly, cannot lead to the achievement of critical levels by the active components, as well as to poisoning.
Indications for use
Peony tincture, the use of which is quite wide, is positioned in modern medicine as a natural sedative and hypnotic drug, but the healing properties of peony tincture do not end there. In practice, peony tincture is used in the complex treatment of the following diseases and correction of conditions:
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of metabolism in the body;
- Influence on the central nervous system in order to calm down, normalize the emotional background, reduce excitability, stress, increase the ability to work, human endurance;
- With obsessive, anxiety, phobias;
- Normalization of biological rhythms, improvement of sleep;
- Benign and malignant neoplasms (also cystic formations of the ovaries, the drug is positioned as an effective adjuvant in the complex therapy of polycystic ovary syndrome, diseases of the cervix);
- Convulsions, spasms;
- Skin diseases;
- General strengthening action;
- Correction of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, climacteric disorders;
- Skin improvement (in cosmetology);
- Improving hair, combating hair loss, regulating the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp (the alcohol contained in the tincture warms up the scalp well, amino acids and essential oils have a beneficial effect on the hair structure);
- Peony tincture also has some analgesic effects and can be used to treat migraines of unknown etiology.
Contraindications for use
- Allergic reactions;
- Childhood;
- Pregnancy, lactation period;
- Increased acidity of the stomach;
- Low blood pressure.
According to some sources, the drug has an abortive effect, bringing the uterus into tone. Therefore, this drug is by no means recommended for women during pregnancy planning, as well as for correcting the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome during planning.
Peony tincture is not recommended to be used simultaneously with drugs of a similar action. The combination of the drug with other means is possible in agreement with the attending physician.
Side effects
- Allergic reactions;
- Gastrointestinal tract reaction (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea);
- Lethargy, drowsiness;
- Rapid fatigue (when the dosage is exceeded).
Instructions for use

Peony tincture is a complex drug, the main application of which is sedation. Depending on the symptomatic complex, the instruction recommends taking 30-40 drops of peony tincture orally before meals. The course of treatment is also determined by the severity of the symptoms, the nature of the course, the type of the disease itself and its etiology.
The instruction recommends diluting 10% alcoholic peony tincture in a quarter of a glass of boiled water. The general recommendation for the duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting taking the drug. It is also not recommended to continue the course of treatment with the drug if no positive dynamics is observed within 15 days of therapy. Self-increase in the dosage of the drug in order to quickly achieve the desired therapeutic effect is prohibited. To correct a single and daily dosage, you must consult with your doctor.
It should be remembered that after using peony tincture on your own without a doctor's prescription for the treatment of certain diseases, you must definitely visit a specialized specialist.
Patient reviews, doctors' recommendations
Peony tincture is an effective over-the-counter sedative drug. The tincture is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases, however, modern medical practice prescribes this drug to correct neurotic conditions of various etiologies. Peony tincture reviews are positioned as an effective, safe drug for combating insomnia, a sedative, and also as a medicine that helps to cope with emotional instability. Peony tincture is recommended to be taken as a general tonic during periods of increased emotional and mental stress. Regular intake of peony tincture in minimal doses contributes to better assimilation of information, normalization of biological rhythms. The tool helps to cope with stressful situations.
The drug is effective for periodic mood swings in women, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect during menstruation.
It should be noted that the peony tincture does not have an immediate effect on the body. The main therapeutic effect of peony tincture, reviews of which can be found in various sources, occurs 7-10 days after the start of taking the drug.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!