Instructions for use:
- 1. External treatment
- 2. Tincture for internal use
- 3. Contraindications to use

Veselka is a mushroom that is quite common in the middle latitudes, from Europe to the Far East, grows in deciduous forests, loves the neighborhood of broad-leaved trees such as oak or beech. This mushroom is unusual in many ways. One of its main features is its rapid growth - in favorable conditions for itself, the veil grows literally before our eyes, adding five millimeters per minute. Because of this, the lifespan of the veselka is short, only 2-3 days.
Fungal embryos that are in the ground are also unusual, they have the shape of an egg and are popularly called mushroom eggs. They reach 60mm in length and 50mm in width and are whitish-gray or pale green in color. It is these mushroom eggs that are most valued in folk medicine, since it is believed that they have the highest concentration of medicinal substances, and later, at the stage of the matured mushroom, they are partially lost.
Veselka in the stage of a mushroom egg is eaten, and even raw, has a soft jelly-like structure and a pleasant aroma of fresh radish. A ripe mushroom acquires a strong repulsive smell of rotting meat, which attracts flies that carry its spores, this is the mechanism of its reproduction. It is impossible not to mention the specific phallic form of the mushroom, for which it was nicknamed the immodest, shameful mushroom, its Latin name is Phallus impudicus, in some areas it is also known under the names of morel smelly morel, witch's egg, upstart.
External treatment with veselka
Veselka has been valued since ancient times for its medicinal properties, and to this day it is widely used in folk medicine.
The mushroom has a high content of phytoncides - natural antibiotics, and therefore the veselka tincture has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Locally, veselka tincture is used to treat long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers. For example, the historical fact is known that A. S. Pushkin was prescribed veselka tincture for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, one of the symptoms of which is trophic ulcers. Also, veselka tincture is recommended by folk healers for external use for the treatment of acne, fungal lesions on the hands and feet, inflamed hemorrhoids, rectal fissures.
For the manufacture of tincture veselka is used in the embryonic stage, the so-called egg. Its recipe is simple: rinse 3-5 freshly harvested mushroom eggs thoroughly, dry, cut into 4 parts, pour vodka or forty-degree medical alcohol in a volume of 0.3 l and leave for several weeks in a dark cool place. Drain the resulting liquid without filtering. In folk medicine, both the resulting veselka tincture itself and pieces of mushroom soaked in alcohol (vodka) are used.
In the season when there are a lot of mushrooms, fresh mushrooms can also be used for external use, in this case a jelly-like substance filling the mushroom egg is extracted and applied to the affected skin without any additions or processing.
Veselka tincture for internal use
For medicinal purposes, veselka is used not only externally, but also internally. Along with chaga and shiitake, this mushroom is classified as a powerful anticancer agent. It was found that in addition to a high concentration of phytoncides, veselka contains substances that stimulate the activity of lymphocytes, the main cells of the immune system. This happens due to the increased production of perforins, special proteins, with the help of which lymphocytes attack cells pathogenic for the body, including atypical ones characteristic of malignant tumor diseases. Therefore, the use of veselka tincture as a treatment for malignant and benign tumors is quite justified, but it is still not recommended to do this uncontrollably.
Regular use of veselka for medicinal purposes helps to lower cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure, which has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and therefore the mushroom is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis.
In addition, veselka treatment is used for diseases of the circulatory system, digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal and immune systems. In fact, due to the ability to stimulate the body's own defenses, veselka treatment is indicated for most diseases, including those caused by the viruses of herpes, hepatitis A, B and C, papilloma, and even HIV, as well as as a general tonic for weakened patients and those who is recovering from severe illnesses, extensive surgical interventions, in people exposed to radiation.

It is not always desirable to use an alcoholic tincture of veselka inside, for example, alcohol is excluded for diseases of the stomach and liver. In this case, it is recommended to eat either a fresh mushroom, or use decoctions and infusions of the mushroom. They eat not only fresh, but also dried mushrooms, in powder form. They can also be brewed and infused, just like dried medicinal herbs. It is believed that the treatment of veselka in a dried state is not inferior in efficiency to treatment of veselka fresh or prepared in the form of an alcoholic tincture. Decoctions and infusions of the mushroom effectively relieve pain in the stomach, liver and joints and have anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
There is also a known recipe for using veselka: pour a teaspoon of dried mushroom powder with a glass of freshly boiled milk, wait until it cools down to a warm state, comfortable for ingestion. Then stir and drink whole, together with the mushroom particles. Use for prolonged dry cough, bronchitis, pneumonia according to the scheme 2 times a day, morning and evening, for a week. Herbalists argue that in such cases, veselka treatment is not inferior to potent medications in terms of effectiveness, but surpasses them in the absence of side effects.
Contraindications to the use of veselka
To date, no serious contraindications have been identified for the treatment with Veselka. Traditionally, it is not recommended to prescribe the mushroom to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to children under five years of age, since no studies have been conducted on the effect of veselka treatment on the human body during these periods, characterized by increased vulnerability. Since veselka stimulates the immune system, it is not recommended to use it in persons suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatism, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc., as an exacerbation can be provoked.
Also, veselka treatment is not prescribed for individual intolerance.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!