Pineapple diet
There are different points of view regarding the miraculous (or not so) properties of pineapple for weight loss. Previously, it was believed that the enzyme bromelain contained in it intensively breaks down proteins and fats, contributing to weight loss. Recently, however, nutritionists have found that although bromelain does break down proteins, it does not have much of an effect on fat metabolism.
But pineapples also contain many other useful substances, in particular potassium, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Also, pineapple is low in calories and perfectly satisfies hunger. Nutritionists recommend eating a slice of pineapple before meals, especially if the menu contains fatty or meat dishes: this has a beneficial effect on digestion.
It is important to choose the right pineapple, as only high-quality fruit can benefit.
- In a mature fruit, the skin does not spring when pressed, but slightly crumbles.
- If you slap a ripe pineapple with your palm, a dull sound is heard.
- The sweet fruit emits a delicate sweetish aroma. However, strong-smelling pineapples should be avoided - this is a sign that the fruit is starting to spoil.
Pineapple Diet Rules:
- Use only fresh pineapples.
- At least four meals a day at regular intervals.
- Drink about 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Advantages of the Pineapple Diet
In five days of the Pineapple Diet, you can get rid of 3-5 kg of excess weight.
A varied diet reduces the likelihood of relapse.
Pineapples are rich in nutrients, regular consumption of these fruits contributes to the fortification of the body, and glucose ensures good health during a diet.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Pineapple diet"
Pineapple abuse can lead to the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, eating in the corners of the mouth, cheilitis. The juice of fresh pineapples irritates the oral mucosa, therefore, for any dental problems (including after medical interventions for them), such a diet is contraindicated.
"Pineapple diet" is not recommended for people with diseases of the esophagus and stomach, and those who are prone to allergies.
The disadvantages of the diet include its high cost - pineapple is an expensive fruit.
What foods are allowed?
In addition to the obligatory pineapples, the diet includes:
- lean varieties of poultry and fish;
- seafood;
- eggs;
- rye and whole grain bread;
- oatmeal, rice (brown is better);
- vegetables and fruits;
- fat-free fermented milk products;
- green tea.
What foods are prohibited?
All foods that are not on the permitted list are prohibited, including salt and sugar.
Pineapple Diet Menu
Sample menu of one day "Pineapple diet":
Breakfast | 2 tbsp oatmeal mixed with natural yogurt, 200 g of pineapple. |
Dinner |
Option 1: 200 g of boiled or steamed chicken breast, 100 g of pineapple. Option 2: salad of half bell pepper, 2 tomatoes and lettuce, 100 g of pineapple. Option 3: 150 g grilled chicken, 50 g green peas, half an orange, 100 g pineapple. Option 4: a portion of steamed curry rice, 100 g of pineapple. |
Afternoon snack |
Option 1: a small piece of fish, a slice of rye bread. Option 2: 1 boiled egg. |
Dinner |
Option 1: 2 potatoes in their uniform, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and herbs, 100 g of pineapple. Option 2: 150 g turkey, 2 whole grain breads, 100 g pineapple. Option 3: a serving of celery soup, 100 g of pineapple. Option 4: 200 g of shrimp, salad of 2 stalks of celery and cucumber, 100 g of pineapple. Option 5: 150 g brown rice, 100 g pineapple. |
Useful Tips
Advice 1. After eating pineapple, you need to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water, since the acid in pineapple damages the tooth enamel.
Tip 2. In addition to green tea, you can drink herbal teas, and once a day, you are allowed to drink coffee.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 5 days |
4 out of 5 Pineapple has a reputation for being the ultimate fat-burning fruit, and while it's a controversial claim, the Pineapple Diet is effective. However, it should not be overused, as pineapple can irritate the lining of the digestive tract. |
Recommended frequency: every 3 months | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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