Cashews - Benefits, Properties, Calories, Nutritional Information

Cashews - Benefits, Properties, Calories, Nutritional Information
Cashews - Benefits, Properties, Calories, Nutritional Information

Cashew nuts

This South American nut quite rightly occupies the top lines in the lists of gourmet nuts, because it has a wonderful taste and a lot of useful trace elements in its composition.

The nutritional value Serving Cashew 100 g Amount per serving Calories 553 Calories from Fat 394.65 % Daily value * Total Fat 43.85g 67% Saturate fats 7.78 g 39% Polyunsaturated. fat 7.85 g Monounsaturated. fat 23.8 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 12 mg 1% Potassium 660 mg 19% Total Carbohydrates 30.19 g 10% Sugar 5.91 g Dietary fiber 3.3 g 13% Proteins 18.22 g 36% Vitamin B6 21% Vitamin K 43% Niacin 5% Thiamine 28% Iron 37% Calcium 4% Magnesium 73% Phosphorus 59% Zinc 39% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Cashew nuts
Cashew nuts

Source: How to burn 553 kcal?

Walking 138 minutes
Jogging 61 minutes
Swimming 46 minutes
A bike 79 minutes
Aerobics 111 minutes
Household chores 184 minutes

The health benefits of cashews

Cashew is a thermophilic evergreen tree that has a thick, winding trunk and spreading branches. This tree grows up to 15 meters in height. In the homeland of cashews, in addition to the nut itself, they also eat an apple, which for us is a delicacy - due to the fact that it quickly deteriorates, it cannot be delivered to any other country.

Different peoples of the world use this nut in different ways. For some, for example, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, for others it is a remedy for asthma, and still others use the properties of cashews to treat diabetes and indigestion. Some peoples in ancient times used this nut, oddly enough, for tattooing.

Official medicine claims that cashews have antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, tonic and antidysentery properties.

The benefit of cashews lies in the fact that when you eat it, you can significantly lower cholesterol levels. It also guarantees the correct exchange of fatty acids and proteins in our body. With the help of such nuts, you can normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as significantly strengthen the immune system. All the healing properties of cashews are explained by the presence of a large amount of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins in it. The content of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron is also high.

Indispensable cashews for toothache, dystrophy, psoriasis, metabolic disorders and anemia.

Of course, there are a lot of calories in cashews, as in other nuts: for example, 100 g of this product contains as much as 600 kcal, but it also contains a lot of mineral compounds and vitamins. For example, these nuts are high in vitamins B, PP and E, which are incredibly beneficial for women. In addition, they also contain calcium (37 mg per 100 g of product), iron (6.68 mg per 100 g), magnesium (292 mg), phosphorus (593 mg), sodium (12 mg), potassium (660 mg) and zinc (5.78 mg).

Due to their high calorie content, cashews are recommended for people suffering from malnutrition or anemia if they need to gain weight. However, for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, nutritionists advise the same. Because cashews are highly digestible and satiating, they help reduce calorie intake. Of course, you need to eat them in small quantities, replacing other dishes.

Eating cashews

Cashews are composed of two parts: an apple and a nut. Apples have a pleasant sourish pulp, which is used not only raw; quite often they make jams, compotes, jellies, alcoholic beverages and a seasoning called "chutney" from it. In the countries of Latin America, the drink "cajuina" is especially popular, which is obtained from the diluted and sugar-enriched juice of an apple from the cashew tree. These apples are rich in tannin, but spoil within 24 hours, therefore they are not transported to other countries.

The nuts themselves are quite widely used in cooking, since they are an excellent independent snack, an excellent component of many salads, first and second courses, as well as confectionery and sauces.

Cashews can be eaten raw or fried. At the same time, the fried nut has a sweet and mild taste.

Quality nuts are harvested in India, Brazil, Kenya, Tanzania, Benin, Mozambique and Madagascar. Both the collection and cleaning of this type of nuts is done manually. Since these jobs are time consuming and dangerous, the price of cashews is quite high.

Cashew nuts
Cashew nuts

Cashew harm

Along with the great benefits, cashews also have harmful properties.

The nut is never sold in its shell because it contains highly corrosive substances such as cardol and anacardic acid. When in contact with the skin, these elements can cause severe irritation, but if accidentally ingested, they can provoke poisoning. Knowing this property of cashews, they are carefully processed before being sold - they are carefully removed from the shell and peeled from the shell. For the same reason, they are not sold in their natural raw form, but are preliminarily subjected to heat treatment, during which the oil contained in the nut completely evaporates, which can also cause poisoning.

The main contraindication to the use of cashews is their intolerance or allergies.

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