Nutritional Advice: How To Lose Weight And What To Do To Stay On The Diet

Nutritional Advice: How To Lose Weight And What To Do To Stay On The Diet
Nutritional Advice: How To Lose Weight And What To Do To Stay On The Diet

Nutritional advice

In no case should you go hungry - nutritional advice number one
In no case should you go hungry - nutritional advice number one

How often have you said to yourself: “I want to lose weight,” but did not know what to do? After all, there are a huge number of diets. Which one to choose, which one is most suitable for you, and which, on the contrary, is better to bypass? What to do to lose weight? This article contains the most popular dietitian tips on how to lose weight, following which you will not only start to lose weight confidently, although not as quickly as you would like, but also improve your body.

Undoubtedly, the advice of nutritionists is more of a medical point of view about the appropriateness of various methods of losing weight. There are many diets that use fundamentally different weight loss mechanisms and unique food sets. However, not everyone knows that absolutely all diets combine basic tricks and principles that make the process of losing weight as safe as possible.

Nutritional advice: how to lose weight

Nutritional advice # 1: never go hungry. Many women in their quest "I want to lose weight, what should I do?" begin to starve themselves and reduce their daily diet to a handful of boiled vegetables and a couple of apples. Undoubtedly, at the initial stage of the diet, this approach bears certain fruits, but very soon the body, experiencing an acute lack of nutrients, begins to intensively store fat. In addition, on such a meager diet, you are unlikely to be able to sustain a long time, which means that the lost weight will quickly recover.

What to do to lose weight? Nutritionists strongly recommend not to give up your favorite foods, but to minimize them or even replace them with less high-calorie counterparts. So, instead of pork, lean veal or chicken is perfect, instead of buns, you can eat toast with sprouted grains, and instead of creamy yogurt - low-fat sour milk products.

Nutritional advice # 2: The surest way to lose weight is to keep your daily calorie intake. This dietary advice on how to lose weight is based on the fact that any diet is based on a simple principle: more energy should be expended than consumed. All excess calories are stored in the body as fat stores. Here, not only the energy value of the products is important, but also their quality. Ideally, your daily diet should be 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 20% fat. Don't forget about vegetables and grains.

Nutritional advice # 3: stick to your diet. What to do to lose weight? First you need to have a hearty breakfast. Many people, due to various circumstances, limit themselves to a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. As a result, after a couple of hours and being brutally hungry, they eat a much larger portion of food than they need. So a healthy, full breakfast is the right choice.

Another advice from nutritionists on how to lose weight is split meals. Divide your daily food intake into 5-6 meals. This does not mean that you should eat several servings every time you sit down at the table. For example, between main meals, you can have a snack with fruits, vegetables, drink a glass of kefir, yogurt, or eat some cottage cheese.

The least amount of food should be for dinner. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom says: "give your dinner to the enemy." Undoubtedly, you should not go to bed on an empty stomach, but try to have your last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. In the evening, it is better not to eat heavy fatty foods, but limit yourself to a light dinner, such as fish and vegetables.

Nutritional advice # 4: Drink plenty of fluids. Do not limit yourself to fluid intake. It is not uncommon for some people to confuse the feeling of thirst and hunger. It is often enough to drink a glass of water and the feeling of hunger will subside. If you are used to drinking tea after meals, reconsider this habit. Nutritional advice - you should not drink liquid immediately after a meal, as the body's fat reserves will be consumed much more slowly. But drinking a glass of water or milk half an hour before meals is even beneficial: it will dull the feeling of hunger, as a result of which you will eat less food.

Drink plenty of fluids - another great nutritional advice
Drink plenty of fluids - another great nutritional advice

Nutritionist Tip # 5: Set Attainable Goals. Do not set yourself tasks that are simply unrealistic to complete. You understand perfectly well that you will hardly be able to throw off 20 kilos in a couple of weeks, you will only earn depression for yourself and be disappointed, besides. You should also not run to the scales every day for weighing, because even the smallest fluctuations in weight upwards can ruin your mood for the whole day. The best solution is to get on the scale once a week.

As you can see, nutritionist advice on how to lose weight and follow the principles of good nutrition is quite simple and easy to do.

Lost from a diet: what to do?

With the question: "I want to lose weight, what should I do?" nutritionists figured it out. But what about the question: "I lost my diet, what should I do?" Nutritional advice and here are ready to help you:

  • Assess the damage objectively. If you ate just one bar of chocolate, then nothing terrible happened. Safely forget about it and continue to follow the diet further.
  • You should not quit the diet after the first breakdown. However, do not deceive yourself. Maybe you overestimated your strengths, or you lack character, or have you chosen an overly rigid diet? To avoid a breakdown, the advice of nutritionists is simple: try to make yourself at least once a week indulgences and "weekends" from the diet, but within reasonable limits.
  • Don't forget to exercise. You torment yourself with the question: "I lost my diet, what should I do?" It's very simple: the calories you ate during a breakdown can be burned by exercise. But you shouldn't wear yourself out either.
  • A large amount of fruits and vegetables will help normalize digestion after a breakdown. Thanks to their fiber content, they will quickly cleanse your intestines and restore metabolism. In addition, sweet fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets.
  • Motivation. Remember why you decided to go on a diet. Imagine that you have very little left, and you will achieve your cherished goal. Therefore, you should not give up in any case.

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