Instructions for use:
- 1. Scope of application
- 2. Characteristics
- 3. Methods of industrial production
- 4. Painful effect of the substance
- 5. Application in medicine
- 6. Contraindications to use
Prices in online pharmacies:
from 128 rub.

Capsaicin is one of the varieties of alkaloids that are rich in various types of capsicum capsicum (Capsicum) to varying degrees.
Scope of Capsaicin
The scope of its application is very wide. The most commonly used capsaicin is:
- for medicinal and recreational purposes (in medicine, it belongs to the group of pharmaceuticals "Irritants of natural origin");
- as an irritant in gas pistols / revolvers;
- as a filler for gas cartridges and other aerosol means of individual self-protection;
- as an insecticide to combat molluscs that parasitize on the bottoms of floating vehicles, rats and other pests (powder is added to varnishes and paints used for surface treatment);
- as a deterrent for pets (for example, to "wean" a cat to sharpen its claws in the wrong place).
Capsaicin characteristics
Capsaicin is 8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid vanillylamide, a chemically stable substance in the form of a crystalline powder. It does not have a pronounced color, but it has a very pungent taste, which in the simplified Scoville pungency scale has the characteristic "explosive" (explosif). The powder melts at 65 ° C. At 0.01 mm Hg. boiling point is 210-220 ° C. A milligram of capsaicin, when it comes into contact with human skin, can cause a severe chemical burn, comparable in strength to its effect on the skin with a red-hot iron.
Like most other alkaloids, capsaicin is poorly soluble in water. However, it dissolves well in various alcohols, chloroform, acetone, benzene, caustic alkalis. So, in the event that a person has eaten very peppery food, a small dose of an alcoholic drink (including beer), sweetened cool water (about 20 ° C) or, thanks to the casein protein contained in it, milk will help reduce the burning sensation.
Industrial production methods
On an industrial scale, capsaicin is extracted from hot peppers by extraction using acetone as an auxiliary ingredient. The extract obtained usually has a well-defined orange or red color, and the capsaicin content in it is from 5 to 10%.
Pain effect from the substance
When in contact with mucous membranes (nose, eyes, upper respiratory tract), capsaicin provokes pain, severe burning sensation, mucus separation, and tearing. In some cases, it can cause spasm of the bronchi and larynx, which, in turn, can even lead to short-term loss of speech. When a small amount of a substance gets on the skin, burn symptoms occur, which appear on an increase, and then, after about 40-60 minutes, disappear. To remove it from the skin, vegetable oils, soda, vinegar, honey or milk are usually used.
In rare cases, after using capsaicin, complications are possible in the form of nausea, breathing problems, lesions of the cornea of the eyes, dermatitis, nosebleeds, and neuralgic disorders.
If unpleasant symptoms persist even after several hours, symptomatic treatment may be necessary.
A fatal outcome for a person can cause a dose of capsaicin, taken in the calculation of 100 mg per 1 kg of body weight. That is, for a person weighing 60 kg, a fatal outcome can occur only with a very rapid consumption of 2 kg of hot pepper.
The use of capsaicin in medicine

Medicinally, capsaicin is used as a powerful pain-blocking agent. It actively affects substance P, which is a transmitter of signals from nerve endings to the brain. At the same time, it not only reduces the intensity of pain, but also promotes the production of prostaglandins and collagenase, which relieve pain and remove the manifestations of the inflammatory process.
Capsaicin contained in peppercorns is an active ingredient in many ointments, creams and gels with warming and anti-inflammatory effects. It perfectly complements therapy aimed at treating diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including preventing the formation of blood clots in them). It is introduced into the composition of drugs that relieve pain in arthritis and shingles, it is prescribed for use in the form of a cream for patients with psoriasis, people suffering from itching of the skin and from diabetic neuropathy. On the basis of capsaicin, ointments are produced for frostbite. "Pepper" nasal sprays relieve migraine pain.
The use of hot pepper or dietary supplements based on it allows you to normalize the acidity of the stomach and digestive processes.
Capsaicin promotes the production of enzymes involved in fat burning and speeds up the body's metabolic processes. Therefore, it is included in the diet by athletes and simply those who want to lose weight.
One of the recent studies carried out by scientists at the University of Nottingham has made an important discovery that may solve the issue of cancer treatment. So, according to their statement, capsaicin is capable of massively destroying cancer cells by influencing mitochondria, which serve as an energy source for this type of cell. However, it does not affect healthy cells in any way.
Contraindications to the use of capsaicin
Capsaicin is contraindicated in pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, with hypersensitivity to this substance, with ulcers. Do not allow it to come into contact with open wounds and damaged skin.
In any case, before using drugs based on this substance, you need to consult your doctor.
Capsaicin: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Valentina Dikulya Plaster liquid warming capsaicin bee venom gel 75 ml 1 pc. RUB 128 Buy |
Valentina Dikulya Plaster liquid warming capsaicin antlers maral gel 75 ml 1 pc. 199 RUB Buy |
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!