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7 weeks pregnant corresponds to a five-week embryo, which already has eyes, ears and all the main parts of the brain
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3 weeks gestation is characterized by a fully matured egg cell in a woman's ovarian follicle. After it enters the fallopian tube, fertilization takes place - it is at the 3rd week of pregnancy that the first cell of the unborn child is formed
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Pregnancy 2 weeks is a period when a woman's body prepares for future fertilization, which has not actually occurred yet
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8 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to six weeks of the embryo, during this period all the main organs and systems of the child's body are already laid
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The 5th week of pregnancy, as a rule, falls on the first delay of the next menstruation, during this period the embryo develops the rudiments of many organs
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At the 11th week of pregnancy, the first lymphocytes appear in the child, the vocal cords, the iris of the eye are formed, the external genital organs are laid
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At the 9th week of pregnancy, the fetus has already formed fingers and toes, which still remain disproportionate, the cerebellum is actively developing
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6 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to 4 weeks of the embryo's age, during this period the laying of important systems of the child continues
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At the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetus prepares for work the respiratory organs, the mimic muscles are sufficiently developed, bile moves through the intestines
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At 12 weeks gestation, the fetus is able to react to light, the membranes on its fingers disappear, and the bones become hard
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4th week of pregnancy corresponds to two weeks from the date of fertilization of the egg
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At the 13th week of pregnancy, the fetus undergoes changes in the digestive tract, the rudiments of milk teeth are fully formed, the child himself makes swallowing movements
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At the 10th week of pregnancy, the fetus has already fully formed arms and legs, it actively moves, it develops facial expressions, nerve cells multiply
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At the 16th week of pregnancy, many organs of the gastrointestinal tract (intestines, liver, stomach) are already functioning in the fetus, the external genital organs and a constant blood composition have formed
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At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus has less translucent skin, a skeleton is formed, the distance between the eyes decreases
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At the 18th week of pregnancy, the outlines of the baby's body become rounded, folds appear on the skin, the heart is already well developed
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At the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby has small bronchi, but the lungs do not function yet, the skin is covered with soft fluff, the rudiments of molars are laid
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At the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby already has the correct body proportions, almost all systems of internal organs are formed, and the mother clearly feels his movements
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At the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby is already measured from the heels to the crown, and not from the coccyx to the crown, its length reaches 27 cm.At this stage, the fetus is actively developing the nervous system
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At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby already has all the nerve cells, the system of tactile sensations is being improved, alveoli begin to form in the lungs
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At the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby's nerve cells are already fully formed, convolutions and grooves appear on the surface of the brain
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At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the proportions of the baby's body approach the newborn, the respiratory system is actively developing, the digestive system is prepared for work
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At the 25th week of pregnancy, baby's skin looks firmer, bones become denser and stronger
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On ultrasound at 26 weeks of gestation, you can clearly distinguish the individual facial features of the baby, he already has eyebrows and eyelashes, eyes are formed
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At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby quite often opens his eyes, his hair on his head darkens, but his body is still covered with lanugo
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At the 27th week of pregnancy, all the systems and organs of the baby are formed, the process of their maturation is underway, the immune system is improving
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At the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight reaches 1.5 kg, his muscular and skeletal systems are intensively developing, lung tissue is improving
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At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby improves neural connections in the brain, the liver is actively developing and already produces bile
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At the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to actively grow, accumulating adipose tissue, in the uterine cavity it takes the correct position - upside down
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At 32 weeks of gestation, the baby continues to develop lungs, so he is already performing training breathing movements
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At 34 weeks of gestation, the central nervous system of the fetus is actively developing, new unconditioned reflexes appear
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At 33 weeks gestation, the fetus increases the mass and size of the brain, and the cortex becomes more mature - new grooves and convolutions appear
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At 35 weeks of gestation, the fetus has adipose tissue deposited, chubby cheeks appear, the skeleton and muscle frame are strengthened
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At 36 weeks of gestation, all the baby's organs are fully formed, but the brain centers for their regulation are still being improved
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At 37 weeks gestation, the fetus already looks like a newborn baby, its lungs are formed, so the baby will be able to breathe on his own in case of premature birth
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At 38 weeks gestation, the baby's body is ready for birth, and its growth slows down, since the baby has already reached the size of a newborn
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At the 39th week of pregnancy, the child is completely ready for childbirth, the bones of his skull are soft, due to which the head is configured during passage through the birth canal
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38 weeks from conception is 40 weeks of pregnancy. By the appearance of the fetus, all signs of its maturity are determined
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At 41 weeks gestation, the baby is fully developed and ready for birth, it is already cramped in the uterus
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At 42 weeks gestation, the baby is fully matured to live outside the mother's abdomen. If by the end of this period there is no labor, they speak of postmaturity