28 week of pregnancy

At 28 weeks, the fetus turns 26 weeks from the date of fertilization of the egg. He will already be able to survive in the event of a premature birth with adequate medical support.
Changes in the fetus
The size of the fetus at 28 weeks of gestation is about 35 cm in length, it already weighs 1000 - 1100 g. The future baby is getting larger, it already kicks pretty hard in the mother's belly at 28 weeks of gestation. On average, a woman records about 10 movements per hour of wakefulness of the fetus, they become more active before bedtime. You can no longer touch the stomach to guess the parts of his body - a handle or a leg, with which the fetus rests against the abdominal wall from the inside.
The child in the abdomen actively changes its position, it happens that in one day it turns from the breech presentation into the head presentation or even transverse presentation. There is still enough space in the uterus for such movements, although the baby is already getting cramped in the stomach at 28 weeks of gestation.
Fatty tissue continues to accumulate under the skin of the unborn baby, he looks more plump than before. Because of this, the skin is no longer so transparent to translucent blood vessels, therefore it is more pink than red. The surface of the skin of the fetus at 28 weeks of gestation is covered with a cheese-like lubricant - a product of the sebaceous glands in the skin. White virgin lubricant protects the skin from irritation by amniotic fluid in the uterus and from excessive drying out immediately after the baby is born.
The entire body of the baby at this time is still covered with vellus hair - lanugo. They are longer on the head and are completely absent on the feet and palms. Some body hairs may already fall out, and eyelashes, eyebrows and scalp hair become darker and thicker.
The fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy more and more often opens its eyes, the pupillary membrane in the form of a thin film on the surface of the eyeball gradually dissolves. The kid is already good at distinguishing light from darkness.
At 28 weeks of gestation, it becomes clear which hemisphere of the child's brain will be dominant - left or right. Depending on this, the fetus already now prefers to move more with one hand or another. If the left hemisphere dominates, then he more actively feels everything around with his right hand, that is, he will be right-handed, and vice versa.
In boys, the testicles from the abdominal cavity continue to descend into the scrotum, at this time they are at the entrance to it. By ultrasound at 28 weeks of gestation, the genitals are visible, that is, you can find out who will be born - a boy or a girl.
Changes in a woman's body at 28 weeks of gestation
The woman's waist has finally smoothed out, the belly cannot be overlooked at this stage of pregnancy. The bottom of the uterus is determined 28 cm above the bosom or 8 cm above the navel. Regular clothing becomes tight.

Sometimes a woman may be bothered by pain in the 28th week of pregnancy in the lower abdomen. A periodic increase in tone is the reaction of the uterus to the environment and stress, it can also be training contractions. But painful sensations in the norm with such training should not be. Pain at the 28th week of pregnancy can be the first symptom of a threatened miscarriage, so medical consultation is imperative.
Strengthening of discharge at 28 weeks of gestation from the genital tract, their more liquid nature are suspicious of leakage of amniotic fluid. This happens if the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated somewhere from the side. This condition is dangerous with possible infection of the fetus and the onset of premature birth. You can exclude water leakage using a special test.
Examination at 28 weeks of gestation
If a pregnant woman has Rh-negative blood, then another control of anti-Rh antibodies will be required, the concentration of which may increase in the presence of a conflict with the fetus. If an increase in antibodies is detected, the doctor may recommend a course of supportive preventive treatment.
Routine ultrasound at 28 weeks of gestation is not performed. If necessary, blood tests can be prescribed - general, for glucose, urine control is required once every 2 weeks.
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