12 weeks pregnant

At 12 weeks gestation, the unborn child turns 10 weeks from the date of fertilization. The first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end, by this time all organs and systems have already been formed in the fetus, they continue to develop and differentiate.
Fetal changes
The size of the fetus at 12 weeks of gestation is up to 6-7 cm in length, weight reaches 12-14 g. In appearance, the future baby is thin and disproportionate - the size of the head still makes up most of its length.
At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the work of the nervous and muscular systems is well coordinated - the fetus makes various movements in the womb. For example, colliding with the wall of the uterus, he pushes away from it, makes grimaces, clenches his fists and sucks his fingers. The mother does not feel these movements, because the unborn child is still too young.
Sensory organs are intensively developing - the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy is able to react to light (turns away from bright sources), to feel the taste of amniotic fluid.
Bones begin to ossify and become hard, there are no membranes on the fingers. A skin pattern begins to form on the fingers, which will further determine the uniqueness of a person's fingerprints.
In the composition of human blood cells at the 12th week of pregnancy, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes appear, which are responsible for immunity and tissue healing.
An ultrasound scan at 12 weeks gestation will show how the chambers of the heart contract, as well as the sex of the fetus. True, the future baby does not always show his genitals during the study, crossing the legs with each other.
At 12 weeks gestation, the volume of amniotic fluid increases rapidly. If at week 10 it was only 30 ml, then in 2 weeks their number increases almost 2 times. The amniotic fluid performs a number of important functions in maintaining the balance of metabolism and gas exchange in the fetus. Since the formation of the placenta, the main part of the water is plasma filtrate from the maternal blood.
Changes in a woman's body at 12 weeks gestation
From the 12th week of pregnancy, the woman's weight is constantly increasing. Until this time, normally, the total weight gain should not exceed 3.5 kg.
The load on the cardiovascular system and kidneys of the pregnant woman continues to increase.
At the 12th week of pregnancy, the phenomena of early toxicosis normally disappear, and the state of health improves significantly.

Itching in the chest, thighs and abdomen can be added to the new sensations. The first age spots and spider veins may appear on the skin of the face, which will disappear after childbirth.
The abdomen at 12 weeks of gestation begins to increase in size. This increase occurs more intensively in the case of multiple pregnancies. The uterus gradually leaves the pelvic cavity, reaching the pubic articulation. In this regard, a pregnant woman is less likely to suffer from constipation and frequent urination.
Pain at the 12th week of pregnancy is less and less troubling, the placenta is working in full force and the risk of miscarriage is minimal if the doctor's recommendations are followed. But in the case of bloody discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy, there is a high probability of its termination.
Examination at 12 weeks gestation
On ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation, you can establish the sex of the unborn child. True, this requires a survey on modern and high-precision equipment. In addition, ultrasound examination specifies the duration of pregnancy, reveals gross malformations. A blood test for alpha-fetoprotein is timed to this examination, which shows the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. It is especially necessary for women over the age of 35-40 years.
Also, during the next visit to the doctor, the pregnant woman takes a general urine test.
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