32 weeks pregnant

From the moment of conception of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation, he turned exactly eight lunar months or 30 weeks.
Changes in the fetus
The size of the fetus according to ultrasound at 32 weeks of gestation in length (from crown to heels) is 40-41 cm, it weighs about 1800 g.
The heart rate of the unborn baby by the 32nd week becomes a little less frequent - 130-140 beats per minute, it is unstable and during movements can slow down by 3-4 seconds to 100 beats per minute. The peculiarity of the fetal heart is that both ventricles, contracting, pump blood into the systemic circle of blood circulation, and practically no blood flows into the small circle. Nervous regulation of the heart in the fetus at 32 weeks is still insufficiently developed.
At 32 weeks gestation, the lungs continue to develop, their respiratory surface and surfactant content increase. The expectant baby regularly performs training breathing movements, but the amniotic fluid does not enter the lungs, because the glottis is closed. Impulses that cause such respiratory movements come from the medulla oblongata of the fetus. If he does not have enough oxygen, then the intensity and frequency of such breaths can increase.
At 32 weeks gestation, the fetus receives all nutrients and oxygen from the mother through the placenta, and the main source of energy for it is glucose. It is needed not only to keep the fetus active, but is also stored as fat and glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. The rate of formation of fatty acids in the liver of an unborn child is higher compared to that after birth. From 30-32 weeks of gestation, the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue of the fetus is accelerated, due to which the proportions of the fetus become more rounded.
The future baby at 32 weeks of gestation is moving and moving intensively, the mother can already establish some pattern in his activity.
Lanugo practically disappears by this time, a little vellus hair remains only on the shoulders and back. The original lubricant remains in the folds of the skin.
Changes in a woman's body at 32 weeks of gestation
Due to the increased size of the abdomen at 32 weeks of pregnancy, the woman quickly gets tired. The uterus is 32 cm above the pubic joint and supports the ribs from below. The belly at 32 weeks of gestation prevents a woman from lying, sitting in one position, and walking for a long time. Due to the tightness of the internal organs, unpleasant sensations appear in the form of heartburn, sour eructations, nausea or constipation. Uncomplicated doctor's advice can help alleviate these conditions. The appearance and condition of the skin of a pregnant woman may change - the skin and hair become dry, the skin on the stomach is stretched and itchy. Stretch marks (otherwise called striae) can sometimes appear on the thighs, belly in the navel area and on the chest.
A rather unpleasant symptom at 32 weeks of gestation is bleeding gums. Their mucous membrane becomes loose and easily vulnerable under the influence of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

Pain at 32 weeks of pregnancy in the lower abdomen, accompanied by regular pulling sensations, can be the onset of labor. Premature births tend to last faster than urgent labor. At this time, the fetus will already be able to survive in the presence of conditions for its nursing, many will even be able to breathe on their own.
Preterm labor is also indicated by abundant watery discharge at 32 weeks of gestation, which is the amniotic fluid. The discharge of water is one of the options for the onset of labor. They can pour out profusely at a time in the event of a central rupture of the membranes, or leak gradually with a high lateral rupture.
Examination at 32 weeks of gestation
By this time, the time has come for the third screening ultrasound examination of the fetus. An ultrasound scan at 32 weeks of gestation is done for women if they have not done it at 30-31 weeks. It allows you to assess the location and structure of the placenta, the position of the fetus in the uterus and its size, the pathology of the cervix.
At 32 weeks of gestation, the next routine urine test should be repeated. Its result will confirm or deny preeclampsia or urinary tract infection.
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