Nucleo CMF Forte
Instructions for use:
- 1. Pharmacodynamics of the drug
- 2. Indications
- 3. Method of application and dosage
- 4. Reviews and recommendations of doctors
Nucleo CMF Forte is a drug developed on the basis of pyrimidine nucleotides, intended for the treatment of pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. The pyrimidine complex is a unique drug with a favorable safety profile, a high level of combination with other drugs without side effects and interaction effects.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug

Pathology of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of the most common reasons for visiting a neuropathologist. PNS dysfunctions occupy a leading place among the causes of long-term disability of patients.
The peripheral nervous system is an internal mechanism of the body that connects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) with other organs. The PNS has not received natural powerful defense mechanisms, in contrast to the CNS, which is protected by the bone skeleton and the blood-brain barrier, which makes the PNS very vulnerable to external mechanical damage, as well as to the effects of negative factors.
There are two types of neurons involved in the peripheral nervous system:
- Sensitive sensory neurons that transmit impulses to the central nervous system;
- Sensitive motor neurons that transmit impulses from the central nervous system.
To date, more than 100 factors have been established that have a negative effect on neurons and contribute to the violation of their function (conduction of impulses), among which are distinguished:
- Toxins;
- Diseases of a different nature;
- Viral and bacterial lesions of the body;
- Medications;
- Unfavorable environmental conditions;
- Mechanical injury.
There are four types of reactions of nerve fibers to damaging factors, most of which Nucleo CMF Forte is able to arrest, restoring the sensitivity of the nerve process:
- The reaction of Wallerian degeneration (to the intersection of the nerve process);
- Axonopathy, consisting in the degeneration or atrophy of the nerve fiber (the least studied pathology of the PNS);
- Partial demyelination (segmental myelinopathy - damage to the myelin sheaths with the preservation of the nerve itself);
- Neuronopathy is a primary disorder of the neuron body.
In modern medical practice, the treatment of PNS pathologies is mainly reduced to stopping the symptomatic complex without eliminating the causes, which makes the treatment ineffective and long-term.
Nucleo CMF Forte is a unique drug due to its composition. The pyrimidine nucleotides used as the basis of the innovative pyrimidine complex play a leading role in the restoration of many morphological structures (elements) of the peripheral nervous system, normalize the transmission of impulses to and from the central nervous system.
Pyrimidine nucleotides as part of an innovative drug:
- Cytidine-5-monophosphate (CMP) is a nucleotide involved in the synthesis of complex lipid complexes that form the neuronal membrane. This nucleotide is the main structural component of the myelin sheath (the electrically insulating sheath that covers axons). Damage to the myelin sheath in some diseases leads to impaired coordination and balance. CMF is a precursor of the basic nucleic acids RNA and DNA, which play a major role in cellular metabolism;
- Uridine-5-triphosphate (UTP) - a nucleotide in the composition of the drug complements the action of CMP, and also, acting as a coenzyme, stimulates the synthesis of glycolipids of myelin sheaths.
Thus, the drug Nucleo CMF Forte promotes rapid regeneration of nerve fibers and their myelin sheaths after damage to the nerves of the PNS.
The use of the newest drug based on pyrimidine nucleotides has brought the traditional therapy of PNS pathologies to a qualitatively new level. Nucleo CMF Forte is an effective remedy for the following PNS diseases:
- Neuropathies of various etiologies - disorders of the functioning of the nervous system of the osteoarticular, metabolic (including alcoholic, diabetic polyneuropathies), of an infectious nature;
- Neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis;
- Vertebral pain syndrome;
- Shingles (Herpes Zoster);
- Myopathies;
- Carpal tunnel syndrome;
- Bell's palsy.
The drug Nucleo CMF Forte, the instruction of which provides for its use only as directed by the attending physician, is available in two forms: capsules and ampoules. The drug is indicated for both children and adults. When using Nucleo CMF Forte, the instruction does not indicate contraindications, side effects and interactions with other drugs. Nucleo CMF Forte is approved for pregnant and breastfeeding patients. However, in such a situation, the drug should be used only in consultation with the doctor.
The drug does not in any way affect a person's ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms that require increased attention. When treating with a new generation drug Nucleo CMF Forte, the instruction regulates the dosage and duration of the drug intake.
Method of administration and dosage

The drug in the form of capsules is prescribed for adults and children from 5 years old in a dosage of 1-2 capsules per day with a duration of treatment of at least 10 days to achieve a tangible therapeutic effect.
Nucleo CMF forte ampoules have undoubted advantages in the treatment of PNS pathologies. With invasive therapy (injection), the drug enters the bloodstream directly, while the action of active substances when taken in capsules slows down due to the duration of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Nucleo CMF Forte ampoules are prescribed for children from 2 years old, as well as for the elderly. Complex Nucleo CMF Forte in ampoules contains 1 ampoule of drug powder and 1 ampoule of solution for injection. The course lasts from 3 to 6 days, then the course is continued by taking the drug in capsules.
Reviews and recommendations of doctors
The drug Nucleo CMF Forte, reviews of which position it as an effective remedy in the treatment of PNS pathologies, is a unique agent that has no contraindications, side effects and does not interact with other drugs used in complex therapy.
Nucleo CMF Forte capsules, reviews of which can be found in various sources, have the following effects:
- Active regeneration of nerve fiber sheaths;
- Restoration of the conduction of nerve fibers, normalization of the correct conduction of impulses;
- Restoration of muscular trophism (processes of cellular nutrition that contribute to the preservation of the structure and function of organs and tissues);
- Improving the mobility and sensitivity of the damaged area;
- Reduction of pain, symptoms of inflammatory processes in the affected tissues, numbness.
The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by practical observations and retrospective studies. The majority of patients receiving Nucleo CMF Forte therapy noted an improvement in the dynamics of recovery, a quick return to a normal lifestyle, and a significant improvement in the quality of life.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!