
Aging is a natural process. It cannot be stopped and reversed. Sooner or later, each person has the first wrinkles, which become more and more deeper every year. For women, aging is a particularly painful process. The skin loses its beauty and elasticity, reminding women that youth can no longer be restored.
However, in recent years in the field of the cosmetic industry a lot of ways have been invented that allow, if not stop, then significantly slow down the aging process. These are anti-aging cosmetics, plastic surgeries, and chemical peels. Cosmetic injections are becoming more and more popular, which allow you to combine several functions at once: to correct certain areas of the face and remove wrinkles.
Injections are made with special preparations, fillers. The procedure is quite painless and very easy, and the effect is achieved almost instantly. This is the reason for the enormous popularity of such injections all over the world.
There are many anti-wrinkle treatments available. One of them is Perline, developed by the Swedish company O-Med.
Description of the drug Perline
Perline is a filler, biogel containing hyaluronic acid. This drug is not synthetic, but natural. It is known that hyaluronic acid is found in all tissues of the body, including the skin. With age, its synthesis decreases, which causes a loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. Perline, like other biogels based on hyaluronic acid, is designed to compensate for its lack in the body.
Perline has a transparent texture and is mainly used to correct deep facial wrinkles in mature patients. Perline received the greatest efficiency, according to reviews, in the correction of nasolabial folds. Smoothing of wrinkles occurs due to the unique property of hyaluronic acid to saturate the skin with water molecules.
Since the components that make up Perline are natural, the risk of possible side effects and allergic reactions from its use is minimal.
Unlike the similar drug Restylane, Perline has a higher hyaluronic acid content, therefore, as a rule, it is more effective in correcting deep wrinkles, and Perline's duration of action, according to reviews, is approximately 1.5-2 years.
Indications for the use of the drug Perline
As a rule, the drug Perline is used to change the shape and volume of lips, remove nasolabial folds, deep wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead, vertical wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, to correct the shape of the chin, face oval, cheekbones, eliminate scars after acne, smooth out lateral wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and bridge of the nose.

The Perline dose is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the patient's age, the type and condition of the skin, as well as on the problem being solved. The procedure takes on average about half an hour and is performed using a long needle, with which the drug is injected under the skin.
The patient does not experience significant painful sensations during the procedure. The effect of the session is observed immediately after the first procedure, but after a few days, after the edema and redness subsided, the effect becomes more pronounced.
It is not recommended to apply heat to the skin for several days after the procedure. It is also worth refusing to visit the baths and saunas. It is advisable to avoid the sun's rays, and before going outside, treat your skin with sunscreen. Any hardware techniques and massage are contraindicated for two weeks after the procedure.
Contraindications to Perline
Perline is not recommended for use when:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Poor blood clotting;
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- Chronic diseases during an exacerbation;
- Tendency to form keloid scars;
- Inflammation in the area of the intended injection.
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