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Video: Dentistry

Video: Dentistry
Video: Кому не следует ходить в стоматологию // 8 людей, которым не следует быть стоматологами 2024, October


Modern dentistry
Modern dentistry

Dentistry, as one of the areas of medical science, appeared several centuries ago, but in those days people firmly believed that all problems would be solved after the removal of a diseased tooth. Other causes of pain were not even considered. Things are different these days. Highly efficient modern dentistry meets all human requirements. In the complex treatment of teeth, the following are used: medicines, high-frequency devices, physiotherapy procedures and even ultrasound. Thanks to the development of medical technology, modern dentistry is able to relieve people of almost all diseases of the teeth and jaw. In addition, today doctors are successfully restoring the lost functions of the maxillofacial apparatus, giving people a chance to look good after serious injuries and illnesses.

Like many other sciences, dentistry is divided into several main areas. Therapeutic pediatric dentistry deals with the study of diseases of the teeth and periodontal tissues, develops methods of dealing with caries, periodontitis, periodontal disease, and other common diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Surgical dentistry focuses on the sparing treatment of inflammation, mechanical damage, tumor processes, and the correction of congenital and acquired defects.

On the website of the medical reference book "We are not sick" you will learn about how modern dentistry lives, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the main signs of dental diseases, you will learn what to do if you suddenly get sick teeth and, of course, get an idea of effective prevention of diseases of the maxillofacial apparatus …

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