How to feed a child with constipation
Constipation - stool retention, lack of stool in the child during the day.

A tendency to constipation may appear already in the first months of life, but often forms after 2-3 years. An important question for parents is how to feed a child with constipation. Any cause of infrequent bowel movements can be slightly corrected by proper nutrition. Conversely, mistakes in the menu, even by themselves, can cause constipation in a child.
How to feed a child in the first months of life with constipation
In the first months of life, children eat breast milk or an adapted formula. To eliminate rare stools in an infant on artificial or mixed feeding, it is necessary to normalize his diet. First, you need to make sure that the infant formula is prepared correctly. Secondly, you need to understand if the baby is getting enough water. Thirdly, it is worth consulting with your doctor about replacing the mixture itself. How to feed a child with constipation during this period of life? What to do if rare bowel movements are observed in breastfed babies? You can add a decoction of prunes to the baby's menu. Older children (after 4 months) can be given prune puree. Usually, problems with stool in children disappear by the time the child begins to actively move, sit, and the first complementary foods appear in the diet.
Sometimes rare stools can remain even after six months. How to feed a child with constipation after six months? During this period, you can already use vegetable and fruit purees. Introduce beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, baked apples, bananas into the baby's diet. Prunes and a decoction, as well as dried apricots and figs should be included in the daily menu. Prune broth can be prepared at home. Rinse 3-5 pieces of dried fruits, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Next, bring the water with prunes to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. The broth should cool and brew for 6-12 hours. It turns out that it is most convenient to cook it in the evening. How to feed a child with constipation from dairy products? Regular bowel movements will be facilitated by eating fermented milk dishes. Children's kefir is introduced into the menu as early as 6-7 months. Porridge can also normalize stool. Buckwheat helps best.
How to feed a child at 2 years old with constipation
The menu for a child 2 years old is very varied. To decide what to feed a child at 2 years old with constipation, parents need to remember the basic principles of the correct functioning of the digestive tract. Normal peristalsis is provided by: a sufficient intake of fiber, a correct drinking regime, a healthy intestinal microflora. Knowing all this, it becomes clear how to feed a child with constipation. Continue to give your baby a decoction of prunes and add dried fruit in the morning to the porridge every day. Buckwheat, millet, barley groats are the richest in vegetable fiber. Use them for your child's breakfast. Cook porridge in water. For lunch and dinner, the child's diet should include vegetables and fruits: white cabbage, cucumber, raw carrots, beets, apple, pear, plum, orange, watermelon, cherry, apricot, raspberry. Do not peel off fruitthis way you will save as much fiber as possible. How to feed a child with constipation at night? Give your baby a glass of fresh kefir or yogurt. You can add bran to the drink, 1 teaspoon per glass. Bran can be bought at the pharmacy.

How to feed a child at 3 years old with constipation
The principles of a correct menu remain the same as at 2 years old. How to feed a child at 3 years old with constipation? A variety of vegetables, fruits, cereals on the water, soups with vegetable broth and dairy products should be on the menu every day. Help your child maintain a healthy drinking regime. Drink more water in summer than in the colder months of the year. In general, simple drinking water should always be available to the child. At each meal, the baby should consume 200 ml of liquid.
The main thing for parents to find out what to feed a child with constipation is not recommended. Flour, sweet, fatty, fried, meat broths and whole milk should leave the child's menu. Talk to your doctor about medication for constipation if one dietary change is not enough. Laxatives may be needed. Sometimes there are enough funds to correct the intestinal microflora.
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