21 weeks pregnant

At 21 weeks gestation, the fetus is already 19 weeks old from the moment of conception, the sixth lunar month of its development is in progress. The second half of pregnancy began.
Fetal changes
The size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation, according to the rules, is no longer measured from the coccyx to the crown, but from the heels to the crown. Its weight reaches 360 - 400 g, the size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is about 27 cm long.
The baby continues to grow rapidly, consuming more and more nutrients. He regularly swallows amniotic water, exercising his digestive tract. In its stomach, digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid are already formed.
Taste papillae are formed on the tongue, from a gestational age of 21 weeks, the fetus can distinguish between salty, sweet, sour and bitter.
Thermoregulation in the fetus has not yet been debugged, and the constancy of its body temperature is achieved due to the amniotic fluid, which maintains the temperature that is optimal for life. Nevertheless, due to the development of the skin and the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, the thermoregulation of the fetus is slightly improved.
At the 21st week of pregnancy, the nervous system and the brain of the unborn baby are intensively developing. This becomes obvious if we compare the intrauterine movements of the fetus in dynamics. It is clearly seen that they have become more accurate and coordinated - the baby does not just stretch and kick, but also feels the umbilical cord, body and face with his hands, knows how to clench his fist and puff out his cheeks. At 21 weeks of gestation, it is still too early to talk about the head or breech presentation of the fetus - it constantly changes its position.
The bone and muscular systems of the unborn child are actively developing, due to which the strength of the shocks from the inside becomes stronger, especially at night.
Excessive motor activity in the maternal abdomen at 21 weeks of gestation may also indicate chronic fetal hypoxia.
By ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation, it is possible to assess the degree of maturation and thickness of the placenta, normally it is young and its thickness is about 23 mm.
Changes in a woman's body at 21 weeks of gestation
At the 21st week of pregnancy, the woman has already adapted to her new position, and fully feels like a mother. She feels the active movements of her baby about 15 - 20 times a day. There are various ways of counting movements, the most common is counting for 12 hours of wakefulness, normally the unborn baby makes at least 10 movements.

Through the stomach at 21 weeks of gestation, you can clearly hear the baby's heartbeat, but the woman does not feel it. Sometimes she mistakes her own abdominal aorta for the fetal heartbeat. It is easy to distinguish it from an infant - a woman's pulse is approximately 2 times less than the fetal heart rate.
The mother-to-be may feel short of breath due to the displacement of the lungs by the uterus. At the 21st week of pregnancy, the uterus is 1 cm above the navel, and above the level of the bosom it is determined 21 cm higher.
Due to the intense growth of the uterus and its pressure on the pelvic region, pain at 21 weeks of gestation may not pose any danger, but if they are cramping or pulling in the lower abdomen, they cannot be ignored.
Vaginal discharge at 21 weeks of gestation is normally transparent, odorless, an admixture of blood from the vagina is a symptom of a threat of miscarriage, in this case it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
Examination at 21 weeks of gestation
A regular visit to a gynecologist every 2 weeks is a guarantee of a normal pregnancy. The doctor observes the growth of the fetus and the woman's condition in dynamics, in order to prescribe the necessary examination at the first suspicious signs. An ultrasound scan at 21 weeks of gestation is recommended for those who have not done this before. Many parents, after the second ultrasound screening, find out the gender of their unborn baby.
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