Morse - Benefits, Useful Tips

Morse - Benefits, Useful Tips
Morse - Benefits, Useful Tips


Fruit drink - soft drink based on juice
Fruit drink - soft drink based on juice

Fruit drink is a soft drink made from fruit or berry juice. Juices in a certain ratio are mixed with water and sugar or honey is added to the mixture to taste.

Morse was already known in the distant past. There are several versions of the origin of the name of this delicious drink. According to one of them, it is believed that it came into the Russian language from the Latin word "mulsa" - "honey drink".

The benefits of fruit drink

Morse not only quenches thirst well, but also has healing properties. Speaking about the benefits of fruit drink, one cannot but emphasize that its useful qualities are due to the ingredients used for its preparation. The following types of fruit drink are most often prepared:

  • Lingonberry juice - stimulates appetite, improves immunity;
  • Cranberry juice - has tonic, antipyretic and antiseptic properties;
  • Blackberry juice - helps to normalize the activity of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Currant juice - has anti-inflammatory, vaso-strengthening and immunostimulating properties;
  • Cherry juice - lowers the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood serum, helps prevent the occurrence of intestinal infections.

The benefits of fruit drink for human health is that it is rich in vitamins (A, PP, C, group B) and minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium). Nutritionists recommend that women regularly drink fruit drinks during pregnancy, because this drink saturates their body with the necessary vitamins, microelements and thereby contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

In warm form, this drink has warming qualities, and in cold form it perfectly tones up and eliminates the feeling of thirst. It has been proven that fruit drink helps to raise mood, eliminate symptoms of neurosis and depression.

Cranberry juice and diseases of the genitourinary system

In the middle of the last century, scientists from the Moscow Medical Institute. Pirogov, in the course of scientific research, it was found that cranberry juice significantly enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy for pyelonephritis. Later it was found that he owes this medicinal property to guipure acid, which is contained in huge quantities in cranberries. Currently, doctors must include cranberry juice in the complex therapy of various urological and gynecological infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Morse during pregnancy

Fruit drink in the package
Fruit drink in the package

During pregnancy, a woman's body needs higher doses of vitamins and minerals. Any kind of fruit drink is a real treasure of these biologically active substances. In addition, it does not contain dyes, flavors, stabilizers and other substances harmful to a woman's health and fetal development. But the most useful type of fruit drink during pregnancy is cranberry. This is due to the fact that pregnant women often develop inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. In the first half of pregnancy, cystitis, and in the second - pyelonephritis. Regular consumption of cranberry juice prevents their development, and in case of illness, significantly reduce the dosage of antibiotics and uroseptics.

Useful Tips

  • It is advisable to prepare fruit drinks from those fruits and berries that grow in your area. This is due to the fact that the nutrient and biologically active substances contained in them are better absorbed;
  • Traditionally in Russia, garden and forest berries are used for the manufacture of fruit drinks, making these soft drinks not only very tasty and aromatic, but also saturating them with vitamins;
  • All types of berry fruit drinks contain a large amount of useful acids, mineral salts and pectin, which help to increase immunity, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and remove toxic substances from the human body;
  • When preparing fruit drink, you can safely use a combination of various fruits and berries, which allows you to give the drink a new gamut of taste and make it even more beneficial to health.

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