Calorie Content Of Pollock And Its Beneficial Properties For The Body

Calorie Content Of Pollock And Its Beneficial Properties For The Body
Calorie Content Of Pollock And Its Beneficial Properties For The Body

Caloric content of pollock

Calorie content of boiled and fried pollock
Calorie content of boiled and fried pollock

Pollock is the most abundant cod fish in the Pacific Ocean. People have been using it in cooking for a long time. Fillet, liver, caviar are used, but some even use tails and fins. Pollock meat contains a small amount of fat, therefore pollock has small calories.

In the past, it was thought to be more commonly consumed by people with low income. But such an attitude towards pollock is unjustified. It is due to the unique composition that this fish is included in the menu of sanatoriums. Also, the low calorie content of pollock plays an important role in dietary nutrition.

Pollock composition

Pollock consists of almost 99% water and protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

Fish contains a minimal amount of fat, only 0.9%. This allows pollock to be used in a variety of overweight diets. But it is in it that polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 are so necessary for a person. Therefore, despite the low calorie content, pollock copes well with excess cholesterol in the blood.

Pollock has a high iodine content. It must be eaten by people living in areas where there is a deficiency of iodine in water and soil. It is also indicated for people with certain diseases of the thyroid gland;

Pollock meat contains a large amount of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP. Fish is rich in minerals: iodine, copper, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, sulfur, chlorine. All this useful composition is due to the fact that pollock is a marine fish.

Caloric content of pollock

The calorie content of pollock is about 72 kcal per 100.0 grams of fillet. In comparison with other varieties of fish, pollock has, as you can see, small calories. Energy value lies mainly in the breakdown of protein into amino acids, so a person receives a small amount of energy. And the calorie content of pollock is small due to the minimum amount of fat.

Due to the small amount of calories, pollock can be used for weight loss. But it should be borne in mind that with great physical exertion, it is necessary to include additional high-calorie foods in the diet, especially if a person is not overweight. It is better to use it on weekends, when the load is small.

The calorie content of pollock, as well as its caviar, is small, and the iodine content is quite sufficient. One portion of this sea fish allows you to almost completely fill the daily human need for this trace element.

Modern people are paying more and more attention not only to the amount of food consumed, but also to its calorie content. Especially the question of how many calories are in pollock is of interest to women. The answer to this question largely depends on how the fish is prepared. So, for example, the calorie content of fried pollock averages 127 kcal per 100 g of product, and steamed pollock is much less.

Useful properties of pollock

Due to the many different useful compounds in pollock, it is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In addition, the calorie content of pollock is low, which is so important when following diets for weight loss. For example, it is very useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and various kinds of arrhythmias - all this is due to the presence of a sufficient amount of potassium in pollock.

Vitamin A present in pollock contributes to the normal growth of hair and nails. It is also irreplaceable for the eyes. Due to iron, the level of hemoglobin increases.

How many calories are in pollock and recommendations for its use in the diet
How many calories are in pollock and recommendations for its use in the diet

Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for the formation of bone tissue and teeth, which are present in sufficient quantities in pollock meat.

B vitamins, as well as nicotinic acid, cope with the manifestations of dermatitis and polyneuritis. At the same time, you should not worry about the calorie content of pollock when using it.

Everyone has known about the benefits of iodine, which is part of pollock. In 100 g of the product, its content is up to 150 μg.

How many calories are in pollock: pollock for weight loss

The benefits of pollock in weight loss cannot be overestimated. There is no need to count how many calories there are in pollock to lose weight. But still it should be borne in mind that the calorie content of pollock will depend on the method of its preparation. It is recommended to steam it or use it boiled. The calorie content of fried pollock is much higher. And although fried fish, including pollock, are liked by many more than cooked according to other recipes, you should refuse to use it if you have problems with excess weight.

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