Metabolic syndrome

The development of medicine pushed aside the causes of death from infectious diseases. So, in the first place were diseases, one way or another, associated with metabolic disorders. The main causes of death are pathological changes in the blood coagulation system. The resulting blood clots cause blockage of blood vessels and, as a result, the development of heart attacks: myocardium, kidneys, brain (strokes). The beginning of the process is preceded by a violation of food processing, that is, metabolic syndrome, which is now declared a pandemic of the 21st century. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and dietary inaccuracies. The deposition of fat reserves in the body leads to a dysregulation of metabolism, which is divided into two components:
- Catabolism - the processes of expenditure of incoming energy by splitting proteins, fats and carbohydrates into polypeptide chains;
- Anabolism is the synthesis of new carbohydrates from the fragments obtained, which are converted into proteins and fats, which are used to build body tissues.
An imbalance between these processes leads to a redistribution of energy towards the accumulation that occurs in the fat depot. This is how metabolic syndrome develops, the symptoms of which are manifested by vascular disorders in all organs. But first of all, vessels of medium diameter suffer: arteries and veins.
Causes and factors for the development of metabolic syndrome
The totality of symptoms leading to metabolic disorders has one single cause - insulin resistance. The following factors contribute to its development:
- Genetic;
- Wednesday.
Genetic analysis of pedigrees reveals a predisposition to the development of insulin resistance after one generation. That is, if a grandmother or grandfather had metabolic syndrome, then the granddaughter or grandson is at risk from birth.
Obesity rarely develops in people living in near-extreme conditions. The body adjusts to expend energy when needed. Fat reserves are practically not deposited. This condition is inherited, but environmental factors make significant adjustments to the genotype. A person finds himself in favorable conditions, energy is not consumed, but is stored "for a rainy day."
The most common version of the development of insulin resistance is hypodynamia in combination with food containing a large amount of carbohydrates. They are easily broken down, and the saved energy is used for the synthesis of adipose tissue, which is an endocrine organ that requires a constant supply of "fuel".
However, in people with a genetic predisposition, metabolic syndrome develops faster, and its clinical manifestations are more severe.
The mechanism of development and symptoms of metabolic syndrome
Insulin resistance literally means "insulin resistance". Insulin is the main hormone of metabolic processes. Without insulin, circulating nutrients in the blood cannot enter cells to generate energy. There is a paradoxical situation: there is a lot of glucose in the blood, but the cells experience an acute shortage of carbohydrates. The state of insulin resistance is compensated for some time by increased secretion of the hormone by the pancreas. Then a complete clinical picture develops, characterizing the metabolic syndrome, the symptoms of which are similar to type II diabetes mellitus. The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas are depleted and the production of its own insulin stops.
The metabolic syndrome has the following features:
- Central (male) type of obesity, diagnostic criterion: waist circumference for men is no more than 90 cm and 80 cm for women;
- Acanthosis black;
- Arterial hypertension, an increase in the upper limits of blood pressure up to 130 mm Hg. Art. and more;
- Female infertility associated with chronic anovulation.
Complications of metabolic syndrome are similar to those in type II diabetes.
Metabolic Syndrome Recommendations
When signs of insulin resistance are found, the first step is to change your lifestyle. The lack of physical activity at work and in everyday life is compensated by physical education. It is recommended to start with daily morning exercises.
Give up smoking and alcohol. Both substances irritate the cannabioid system, which leads to increased appetite and lack of control over the amount of food consumed.
Changing the diet prevents the further development of metabolic syndrome, recommendations for the treatment of which are primarily aimed at weight loss. Losing weight by 10% of the original weight by the same percentage reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Important! You should not force weight loss. Loss of more than 10% of weight per year leads to an increase in the load on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
Metabolic Syndrome - Diet
In addition to fulfilling the doctor's prescriptions, with obesity, you must constantly follow a diet. Returning to the previous way of life will cause a relapse of the disease, therefore it is recommended to radically change it.
With metabolic syndrome, the diet provides for the exclusion of seasonings that increase appetite. Limiting spicy and salty foods also helps to reduce the amount of food and drink. However, avoiding meat is not recommended. It is only necessary to limit their use to once a day.
Important! In metabolic syndrome, doctors' recommendations include measuring blood glucose levels, and, if necessary, taking sugar-lowering drugs.
Limiting or completely eliminating glucose from the diet is achieved by taking sugar substitutes that are low in calories and do not affect insulin synthesis.
To normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, products containing vegetable fiber are recommended: cabbage, legumes, dried fruits.

In order to prevent the development of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to limit the intake of table salt, replacing it with lemon juice.
When metabolic syndrome develops, the diet is not limited to a set of meals, it is important to establish a diet: up to 6 times a day with the last meal 3 hours before bedtime. The nature of the meal is also important. You need to eat as slowly as possible, slowly. Rapid eating does not contribute to satiety until the walls of the overcrowded stomach stretch. With slow absorption of products, they begin to be processed by enzymes in the oral cavity, and the saturation center already receives signals from the receptors of the gastrointestinal tract.
Prevention of metabolic syndrome
Obesity is recognized worldwide as a disease, but its development depends on the people themselves. With a tendency to be overweight, you need to monitor your health by following a diet and a healthy lifestyle.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!