What vitamins you need to take with menopause
The content of the article:
- What drugs are indicated during menopause
- Vitamin complexes for women aged 40-45 years
- Vitamins for menopause for women over 50
- How to deal with hot flashes
- Is it dangerous to take vitamins in old age?
- Truth and myths
- Conclusion
- Video
It is recommended to take vitamins for menopause for every woman who has reached the period of menopause. Modern vitamin complexes improve metabolic processes and help to reduce the severity of the symptoms of climacteric syndrome.
On the pharmaceutical market, such drugs are widely represented. Each of them has certain indications and contraindications, therefore, only a doctor should prescribe them, after an internal examination of the patient, taking into account her complaints.

Menopace is one of the vitamin and mineral preparations that are prescribed for menopause
What drugs are indicated during menopause
Any woman who has reached the age of 40-45 years begins a gradual extinction of sexual function. And although this is a natural aging process of the body, many patients experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms at this time:
- increased blood pressure;
- a recurring feeling of heat (hot flashes);
- fast weight gain;
- lability of the nervous system.
A long-term (at least a year) intake of vitamins helps to alleviate the condition. The most important for the female body are:
- Tocopherol (vitamin E). Possesses pronounced antioxidant properties. Improves the condition of the vascular walls, has the ability to lower high blood pressure. It is advisable to start taking tocopherol even during premenopause, since this vitamin supports the functions of the ovaries, participates in the synthesis of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
- Retinol (vitamin A). According to experts, taking retinol reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the uterus, intestines, and mammary glands. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, slows down the formation of wrinkles.
- Vitamin D. Plays an important role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Its reception reduces the likelihood of a woman developing osteoporosis - a disease characterized by increased fragility of bone tissue and arising against the background of a decrease in the concentration of estrogens in the body.
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Possesses immunostimulating and antioxidant properties, participates in the regulation of many metabolic processes.
- Vitamins of group B. Hormonal changes during menopause are often accompanied by apathy, mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, and insomnia. All this worsens the quality of a woman's life and reduces her ability to work. To relieve these symptoms, doctors advise their patients to take B vitamins, which normalize the functions of the nervous system.
In addition to vitamins, with the onset of menopause, a woman's body also needs additional intake of trace elements. The most necessary of them during this period are:
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- zinc.
Vitamin complexes for women aged 40-45 years
As we said above, after reaching the age of forty, the aging process begins gradually in the female body. During this period of life, the patient needs vitamin and mineral complexes that help the ovaries to support the synthesis of sex hormones. Consider some of the drugs in this group:
Drug name | Description |
Menopace (UK) | Contains minerals and pantothenic acid. Taking the drug normalizes hormonal balance by stimulating the production of estrogens, and also reduces the risk of developing a pathological climacteric syndrome in the future. |
Vitatress (Russia) | It contains vitamins A, groups B, C, D and E. Contributes to the normalization of the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous system. |
Femikaps (Finland) |
The main active ingredients of the drug: · Extracts of medicinal plants (evening primrose, passionflower); · B vitamins; · Tocopherols. The drug has a good sedative effect. It can be used for sleep disorders. |
Vitamins for menopause for women over 50
After age fifty, women should also take multivitamins regularly. Most often, doctors recommend the following remedies:
Name | Description |
Alphabet 50+ |
The drug was developed by domestic pharmacologists specifically to maintain the health of women in the climacteric and postmenopausal periods of life. The composition includes not only basic vitamins, but also lutein, lycopene - substances necessary to maintain the functions of the visual apparatus. For better assimilation, the components of the preparation are presented in tablets of three different colors. They should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions and instructions of the attending physician. |
Estrovel | The drug reduces the severity of hot flashes by normalizing the level of estrogen in the blood. Clinical studies have shown that taking Estrovel reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases of the reproductive system. |
Klimadinon Uno | The main components of the preparation are herbal extracts. Has a quick therapeutic effect, in a short time improves the general condition of a woman. |
How to deal with hot flashes
Almost every woman over 50 is familiar with such a menopause symptom as hot flashes. Their occurrence is due to the fact that estrogens have an effect not only on the genital area, but also on the center of thermoregulation of the brain. A decrease in estrogen levels is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature. In response to this, compensatory processes are triggered in the body (heart palpitations, vasodilation), which lead to a sudden feeling of heat.
To reduce the severity of hot flashes, the doctor may recommend taking herbal preparations containing not only natural vitamins, but also phytoestrogens. Let's consider some of them.
Name | Description |
Tsi-klim | It has a pronounced sedative effect. Eliminates the feeling of heat, reduces sweating, improves mood. |
Feminal | The main active ingredient is red clover extract. Reduces the heart rate, reduces the severity of hot flashes. |
Feminalgin | Reduces the severity of menopausal manifestations, improves mood, eliminates irritability. |
Is it dangerous to take vitamins in old age?
Many people are sure that in old age multivitamin preparations provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. In fact, this statement is not true. In February 2009, the results of a major scientific study conducted by the Women's Health Initiative were published. 161,808 postmenopausal women took part in it. All of them had been taking multivitamins for 8 years. At the same time, the indicators of mortality, morbidity of cardiovascular and oncological pathology in this group did not exceed similar values among other women of the same age.

Tsi-klim is a popular herbal remedy that helps to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause
Truth and myths
Disputes about the benefits and harms of multivitamin preparations have been going on for decades. There are many myths regarding this group of medicines. Let's take a look at the most popular ones:
- We get all the nutrients we need from our food. Some studies show that the vitamin requirements of a modern person are not fully met with food intake. This is due to the fact that the diet of many people is dominated by refined foods, contains a small amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs.
- Natural vitamins are much better than synthetic ones. In terms of biological activity and chemical structure, there is not much difference between them. In addition, many synthetic vitamins are obtained from natural raw materials, for example, ascorbic acid is synthesized from glucose, and niacin is synthesized from citrus peel, black chokeberry berries.
- Large doses are better than small doses. And this statement is not true. It is necessary to understand that multivitamin preparations are not candy, but medicines that should be taken only in the dose prescribed by the doctor.
As you can see, there are many vitamin preparations that can help a woman survive the natural aging period with minimal discomfort. However, only a doctor can give the correct advice on whether to take vitamins and which drug to choose after an internal examination of the patient, taking into account her complaints and general health.
Self-medication can cause complications. For example, excess vitamin D leads to:
- general weakness;
- nausea, vomiting;
- decreased appetite;
- increased blood pressure.
If a woman receives drugs that thin the blood (anticoagulants), including acetylsalicylic acid, then tocopherols are prescribed with caution. This is due to the fact that such funds potentiate each other's action and can cause increased bleeding.
There are other restrictions as well.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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