Brief description of the disease

Anthrax belongs to the category of infectious diseases from the group of zoonoses. It is characterized by damage to the lymphatic apparatus, fever, intoxication of the body. Most often, anthrax occurs in the skin form, much less often in the pulmonary, intestinal and septic form. In Western literature, anthrax has another name - carbonic acid (anthrax), which it received for the occurrence of characteristic ulceration and black plaque covering the ulcers on the body.
Anthrax is regularly found in countries in Africa, Asia, Latin and South America. On the territory of Russia, the anthrax pathogen most often manifests itself in the Stavropol Territory, Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov and Kirov Regions, in Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic, that is, in regions with a developed livestock industry. A person becomes infected either directly from the animal itself, or from its wool and skin.
Note also that, compared with the mid-20th century, the number of cases of anthrax is constantly decreasing. An important role in the positive dynamics is played by the correct prevention of anthrax and the tightening of sanitary and hygienic requirements at enterprises engaged in cattle breeding. Every year in our country there are up to 50 cases of anthrax infection and almost all of them are of a professional nature, since it is people who work with animals that most often get sick. And one more important point: at those enterprises where a special vaccine is used, anthrax is detected extremely rarely, which once again tells us about the importance of developing modern drugs against dangerous infections.
The causative agent of anthrax
Anthrax begins to develop as a result of the activity of the aerobic bacillus. This immobile, but rather large microorganism has chopped off edges and is able to persist for a long time outside the host's body. Sheep, goats, cattle and pigs are the sources of infection. As a rule, anthrax in humans appears after direct skin contact with animals during butchering carcasses or processing skins, however, the disease can also be brought in by eating contaminated food or water.
Anthrax symptoms and clinical presentation
Anthrax symptoms appear between 2 and 14 days. In most cases, the infection affects the human skin, so the first symptoms of anthrax can be seen in exposed areas of the body. The clinical picture of anthrax is as follows:
- first, small spots appear on the skin, which look like insect bites and are quite itchy;
- within 2-3 days, the skin near the site of penetration of the pathogen is noticeably denser. Itching during this period intensifies and often turns into a strong burning sensation. The spots themselves are also transformed and transformed into vesicles filled with blood and serous contents;
- as people scratch the itchy areas, black ulcers form on the surface of the skin. From this point on, it can be clearly established that it is anthrax that develops in a person, the symptoms of which are characterized not only by the appearance of formations on the skin, but also by a rise in temperature, appetite disturbance and headache;
- after opening the vesicle, the edges of the ulcer begin to swell and form edema. It spreads very quickly, capturing healthy areas and promoting the formation of secondary vesicles. This process takes 5-6 days;
- reaching the size of 8-15 mm, anthrax acquires the characteristic features of a carbuncle: a black center, a purulent border around it, a purple oval at the site of secondary lesions.
If the diagnosis of anthrax was made on time and the patient was prescribed adequate treatment, 5-6 days after the appearance of carbuncles, the patient's condition normalizes: his temperature decreases, edema decreases, lymphangitis fades away and general well-being improves. The wounds on the skin are slowly healing, however, after them there is a well-distinguishable scar. If anthrax in a person proceeds with complications, then secondary sepsis, a sharp rise in body temperature, an increase in tachycardia and an increase in headaches are possible. Secondary pustules that form if left untreated contribute to disruptions in the functioning of vital systems, which can be fatal.
In addition to skin lesions, anthrax affects other organs. The symptoms of intestinal anthrax are characterized by severe toxicosis of the disease, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, and vomiting. If you do not take action, the patient dies from increasing heart failure 4-5 days after the first signs of the disease appear. Pulmonary anthrax, which is symptomatic of respiratory damage, develops even faster. Patients have all the signs of severe intoxication of the body, which lead to death as early as 2-3 days after the lungs begin to fail.
Anthrax treatment and recovery prognosis

Regardless of the form of infection, anthrax treatment includes the mandatory intake of specific globulin and antibiotics. Due to antibiotic therapy, it is possible to reduce the number of deaths from skin anthrax to 10-20%. In the case of the pulmonary form, things are completely different. Anthrax develops too quickly and often leads to critical changes long before the correct diagnosis is made. Intestinal anthrax in humans is completely cured in 50% of reported cases. The remaining patients either die or become disabled.
Anthrax prevention
Anthrax prevention plays a critical role in preventing infection and reducing deaths. If a person is vaccinated, anthrax is much easier and never fatal. In addition to vaccination, it is necessary to timely identify sick animals, completely destroy their meat and skin, disinfect the equipment and tools with which they came in contact.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!