Ozone Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Ozone Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences
Ozone Poisoning - Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Consequences

Ozone poisoning

The ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms, which determines its high oxidizing properties. Due to this, ozone has a powerful antimicrobial effect, which is widely used in medicine, everyday life and industry. In particular, it is used in ozonizers intended for disinfection of living and working premises, basements and attics.

How does ozone poisoning happen?
How does ozone poisoning happen?

Source: depositphotos.com

There is an experimental area of medicine in which subcutaneous injections of ozone are used for therapeutic purposes. But due to the fact that the effectiveness of ozone therapy has not been confirmed by any clinical study, and ozone itself belongs to the group of carcinogenic substances, in most countries it is prohibited or allowed only with the patient's written consent after being informed about the possible consequences.

How does ozone poisoning happen?

Ozone is a toxic substance of the highest toxicity class. Once inside the body, it causes lipid peroxidation, as a result of which free radicals are formed in large quantities - compounds with high chemical activity. They react with cell membranes and structures, damaging them and causing cell death.

Ozone is irritating to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, leading to serious respiratory distress.

Poisoning symptoms

The first signs of ozone poisoning appear immediately after inhalation of ozone in concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible values. These include:

  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • burning pain behind the breastbone;
  • difficulty breathing.

It is difficult for a person who has been poisoned with ozone to breathe in deeply, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. If contact with a toxic substance was long enough, the breakdown of the surfactant occurs in the lungs, which causes the development of pneumonia. With ozone intoxication, bronchospasm often occurs, and those suffering from bronchial asthma have a severe attack of suffocation.

Ozone Poisoning Symptoms
Ozone Poisoning Symptoms

Source: depositphotos.com

Ozone affects the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is manifested by sharp pain in the eyes, photophobia, blepharospasm and lacrimation.

With prolonged contact with small (but exceeding the maximum permissible concentration) amounts of ozone, chronic poisoning develops. It is characterized by:

  • disorders of the blood coagulation system, which is accompanied by external and internal bleeding, the formation of hematomas;
  • anemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • exacerbation of chronic kidney and heart disease.

First aid for ozone poisoning

In case of ozone poisoning, you must:

  1. Evacuate the victim from the emergency area, breaking contact with the poisonous substance.
  2. Provide an inflow of fresh air, unfasten tight clothing, open windows and doors.
  3. Give the body a comfortable half-sitting position.
  4. In case of cardiac and respiratory arrest, carry out resuscitation measures (artificial ventilation of the lungs by mouth-to-mouth method and chest compressions) until spontaneous breathing and heartbeat appear or until an ambulance arrives.

The victim should not be left unattended.

If the eyes are damaged, they should be rinsed abundantly with water, and then a sterile bandage should be applied.

When is medical attention needed?

In case of ozone poisoning, medical attention is always required, therefore, it is necessary to call an ambulance team as soon as possible or deliver the victim to the hospital on their own.

To reduce the severity of irritation of the respiratory tract, alkaline inhalations are carried out, and drugs that suppress cough are prescribed.

In severe poisoning, therapy for respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency is performed.

The introduction of antioxidants (Ascorbic acid, Reabilar) to the victim is justified.

Possible consequences

Ozone is carcinogenic. Free radicals formed under its influence damage the cell genome, in particular the DNA structure. This becomes the cause of mutations with the formation of tumor cells.

Other delayed effects of ozone poisoning are neurological disorders (decreased ability to concentrate, distraction, weakness).

Long-term inhalation of ozone leads to disruption of spermatogenesis and becomes the cause of male infertility.


To prevent industrial ozone poisoning, safety precautions should be carefully followed. Work areas should be provided with adequate supply and exhaust ventilation, as well as equipped with devices that monitor the concentration of ozone in the air and, if the maximum permissible values are exceeded, signal an alarm.

Household ozonizers should be purchased only in specialized stores, giving preference to products from well-known manufacturers. Before using the device, you should carefully study the instructions attached to it and always follow its instructions.

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Elena Minkina
Elena Minkina

Elena Minkina Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator About the author

Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly passed refresher courses.

Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the city maternity complex, resuscitator of the hemodialysis department.

The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
