Application Of Bioresonance In Medicine

Application Of Bioresonance In Medicine
Application Of Bioresonance In Medicine

Application of bioresonance in medicine

Bioresonance therapy
Bioresonance therapy

Recently, one of the fashionable trends in alternative medicine is bioresonance therapy. Supporters of this method consider it universal, that is, suitable for the treatment of any pathology. What are such bold assumptions based on? It is known that everything in the world, including living matter, is in a state known in physics as harmonic oscillations.

Bioresonance proponents argue that each tissue has its own level of vibration. When a disease occurs, the frequency of the oscillations changes. Thus, they assure, it is possible to create a device that will emit vibrations of the same frequency as healthy tissue. This apparatus will enter into resonance with healthy tissue, and cells, altered by the pathological process, will tune in to a “healthy” wave, thereby healing. An example of such a device is the apparatus called "Oberon". This is, in short, the idea of treating diseases with bioresonance.

This wonderful idea - treatment with bioresonance - reflects in itself the eternal dream of a person about a panacea - a remedy designed to heal everything at once, and most importantly, without making any special efforts for this. Indeed, how wonderful it would be if neither costly scientific research, nor complex diagnostic and therapeutic devices, nor complex surgical interventions were needed. How great it would be if it was possible to solve all health problems by simply and painlessly sitting in front of a harmless device in the company of a pleasant supporter of bioresonance!

This tempting utopia has a less rosy side. People do not want to understand that if by their way of life they have driven themselves into a disease, then not a single miraculous device will cancel the disease. You can change the state of affairs either by powerful means of medicine, or by completely changing your lifestyle, and changing it to a healthier one. The first is expensive, the second is troublesome. It is much easier to treat everything with bioresonance at once.

Bioresonance therapy device
Bioresonance therapy device

Clinical trials, repeatedly conducted in different countries, have completely refuted the therapeutic effect of existing bioresonance devices on the body. The few cases of improvement in the condition of experimental patients do not go beyond the statistically acceptable self-hypnosis, and exactly correspond to the same indicators as when using placebo. Of course, this is not a reason to abandon the study of bioresonance. Surely, this phenomenon has promising prospects, but the current level of knowledge about bioresonance, alas, is not enough to talk about its any serious use in modern medicine.

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