5 Most Dangerous Traditional Medicine Recipes

5 Most Dangerous Traditional Medicine Recipes
5 Most Dangerous Traditional Medicine Recipes

5 most dangerous traditional medicine recipes

In the minds of our compatriots, the idea is firmly rooted that traditional medicine, if not more effective than medicinal "chemistry", then certainly less harmful. Unfortunately, this is far from always true: some of the treatment methods that make up the "century-old folk experience" can have such an effect on the patient that urgent medical intervention is required.

In the article, we will acquaint the reader with those folk recipes, the use of which is associated with an immediate health hazard.

Traditional medicine recipes that are hazardous to health
Traditional medicine recipes that are hazardous to health

Source: depositphotos.com

Treating a burn with urine or fat

Every person has probably heard the advice to apply a bandage with urine to a fresh burn or smear the affected area with oil. Many people follow such instructions, having no idea what happens to the tissues that have been exposed to heat.

The health consequences of a burn depend on the area and depth of the lesion. Almost always, the danger can be reduced by quickly lowering the temperature of the tissues. The only sure way to do it yourself is to act on the burned area with cold water or a container of ice. Of course, with a strong and large burn, the victim should seek medical help, and medicinal methods of healing will be used for the burn, however, with a competent approach, primary care can significantly reduce suffering and accelerate recovery.

When applied to a burnt surface, the fat creates a dense film that prevents the damaged tissue from cooling. A dressing with urine works even worse: a concentrated solution of the salts contained in it dehydrates the affected surface, and bacteria trapped in it can cause infection. In both cases, this "treatment" exacerbates the problem and complicates subsequent therapy.

Taking soda for heartburn or for weight loss

The baking soda solution is alkaline and will actually lower the acidity of stomach contents. The peculiarity in this case is that the reaction of neutralization of the acid with alkali does not take place in a test tube, but inside the body. When taking soda, a person suffering from heartburn at the first moment feels relief, but then a sharp decrease in the acidity of the stomach contents provokes an increased secretion of gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid. If the patient takes soda regularly, this usually leads to the development of gastritis and destruction of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract with the formation of an ulcer.

Patients suffering from stomach pathologies that lead to heartburn should reduce its severity with the help of special drugs that are selected by the doctor. In a healthy person, occasional heartburn can be relieved with food that can coat and soften the walls of the stomach (oatmeal jelly, vegetable puree soup, etc.). Products that have a slightly alkaline reaction also help in this situation: finely grated raw carrots, ginger root, milk. A cup of warm milk with a pinch of dry crushed ginger mixed in it is the main Ayurvedic remedy for heartburn.

Recently, a method of losing weight based on daily intake of soda is gaining popularity. It is suggested to drink it at night or in the morning, on an empty stomach. Perhaps, the likelihood of losing extra pounds in this case exists (although it has not been proven), but given the high risk of developing stomach pathologies, we note that this option for body shaping is not safe.

Potato inhalation

In the list of folk remedies for coughs, runny nose and sore throat, one of the first places is occupied by steam inhalation of freshly boiled potatoes. Supporters of the method refer to its availability and high concentration of nutrients in the healing steam.

In fact, such treatment is not shown to everyone, and the potential danger of the procedure is many times greater than its therapeutic effect. When trying to breathe over a pot of potatoes, the patient risks getting:

  • burns of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, nasal passages, oral cavity, as well as thermal damage to the eyes;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • obstruction (blockage) of the airways;
  • activation of the inflammatory process.

It is impossible to breathe hot steam at an elevated body temperature: the procedure can provoke fainting, especially in children. The method is not suitable for treating babies whose cough is caused by an infection (for example, whooping cough).

Inhalation must be agreed with your doctor. It is much safer to carry out them using a special device (nebulizer or inhaler), observing the prescribed regimen and the concentration of medicinal substances.

Folk remedies that can harm
Folk remedies that can harm

Source: depositphotos.com

Urine therapy

They just try to heal by taking urine inside! Women's diseases, infectious diseases, obesity, infertility and even cancer … Moreover, some women try to use urine as a means of contraception (for douching after sexual intercourse).

The substances contained in urine are not needed by the body. These are waste products that must be removed from the body, and returning them to it is simply harmful. Drinking urine by mouth or as a solution for vaginal douching always carries the risk of infection.

Taking herbal preparations for weight loss

Those wishing to lose weight today are offered a variety of herbal teas, which, according to manufacturers, can miraculously rid a person of excess weight. Unfortunately, in most cases, these statements are unfair advertising: the plant materials that are part of such mixtures have a laxative and diuretic effect, but are not able to affect fat accumulation. Regular intake of teas for weight loss disrupts the water-salt balance and causes intestinal malfunction, which leads to the development of serious pathologies.

Not all traditional medicine recipes are effective, and some of them are simply dangerous. Before using any "grandmother's" remedy, it is worth discussing it with your doctor.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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