Healing Ointments In Traditional Medicine

Healing Ointments In Traditional Medicine
Healing Ointments In Traditional Medicine

Healing ointments in traditional medicine

Healing ointments in traditional medicine
Healing ointments in traditional medicine

Medicinal substances in folk medicine can be used in various forms: decoctions, infusions, tinctures, suspensions (suspensions), syrups, creams, ointments, powders, lozenges, etc. Most often, traditional medicines are recommended for topical use, as it is both more effective and safer. Locally, they can be used in the form of baths, lotions, compresses, but it is most convenient to use such substances as part of medicinal ointments. Healing ointment is a drug in a ready-made, moreover, compact form, it is convenient to apply, it holds well and has a prolonged effect, unlike, say, a bath.

Healing ointment has two main components - the drug itself and the fatty base, which gives the drug a greasy structure. In pharmacology, specially made medical oils, fats, waxes, refined and having a certain predetermined consistency, are used as a fat base. In folk medicine, vegetable (sunflower, olive, pumpkin, sesame) or mineral (petroleum jelly) oils are used for the fatty base of ointments; animal fat, pork or more exotic - badger, for example, is also used. By the way, badger fat is used in folk medicine and as an independent medicinal substance.

It is not difficult to prepare a medicinal ointment at home. Here, for example, how to make an excellent ointment for hemorrhoids: heat 50 g of petroleum jelly in a water bath to a temperature of 55-60 ° C, add 10 g of pre-crushed propolis, put it back in a water bath, and, stirring continuously, heat it to 80 ° C. After that, the hot ointment is filtered through cheesecloth folded in two layers, then poured into a prepared container (preferably glass), and allowed to cool. Store the resulting medicinal ointment in a cool dark place, in a hermetically sealed container. Apply as follows: once a day before going to bed, lubricate her anus.

A homemade ointment based on ordinary onions has a good anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect, moreover, it is easy to prepare: melt fat from pork lard, taking into account that you will need about 100 g of fat. Bake a medium-sized, unpeeled onion in the oven. Then peel the onion from the upper leaves, chop with a blender or rub through a sieve until the consistency of puree, mix thoroughly with the prepared fat. Onion medicinal ointment is effective for treating poorly healing wounds: pressure sores, trophic ulcers. It should be applied 2 to 4 times a day, stored in a dark and cool place, preferably in the refrigerator, but not more than 1 week.

The consistency of a self-prepared medicinal ointment can be changed by adding various types of fat to it. For example, petrolatum base or interior pork fat have a classic, standard ointment consistency. If you add melted beeswax there, the ointment will be denser, and if it is vegetable oil, then the consistency will become creamy.

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