Bengey Ointment - Instructions For Use, Indications, Doses, Reviews

Bengey Ointment - Instructions For Use, Indications, Doses, Reviews
Bengey Ointment - Instructions For Use, Indications, Doses, Reviews


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Pharmacokinetics of the drug
  2. 2. Instructions for using the ointment
  3. 3. Overdose and contraindications to the use of the drug
  4. 4. Reviews and recommendations for use

Prices in online pharmacies:

from 280 rubles.


Bengey is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent in the form of a local irritating cream, which contains salicylic acid derivatives. Bengey is also called a sports balm, as its action adapts muscle tissue to stress, preventing the development of pain due to increased physical activity, and also effectively relieves joint pain.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Bengey is also called sports balm
Bengey is also called sports balm

The main active ingredient in the Bengey preparation is methyl salicylate, which is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic substance and helps to reduce the tone of muscle fibers. The active component of the drug allows it to be used not only for myalgias (pain syndrome of muscle tissue), but also for relieving pain in soft tissue and joint injuries, sprains, inflammatory processes of muscle tissue, joint stiffness. Methyl salicylate in Bengey ointment improves microcirculation, restores vascular permeability, and reduces swelling of inflamed tissues. Bengei is effectively used to treat arthritic joints.

When Bengey ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the drug is completely absorbed through the skin, quickly penetrates into the inflammation focus, providing an anesthetic effect.

Menthol in Bengey cream has a warming effect, helps relieve inflammation. Local application of the drug Bengey promotes vasodilation with the development of gradual cooling, followed by a slight burning sensation. Menthol in the composition of the ointment also has an analgesic effect.

The drug promotes the rapid elimination of irritating decay products (lactic acid) from muscle tissue.

The use of Bengey ointment helps:

  • Reduction of inflammatory processes in muscle tissues of various etiologies;
  • Increasing endurance during physical exertion (before training, hard physical work);
  • Prevents the appearance of pain syndrome (dizziness, clogging of muscle fibers produced during physical exertion toxins) or facilitates its course.

Instructions for using the ointment

The drug Bengei, the instruction to which determines the permissible dosages and duration of treatment, is intended for external use. The drug can be used both for clinical manifestations of inflammatory processes in muscles (pain, stiffness of movements, tissue swelling), and for prophylactic purposes to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

For a preventive effect, Bengey cream is applied in a thin layer to the areas most susceptible to physical stress (knee joints, lumbar region, calf muscles and others). The use of the Bengey drug for prophylactic purposes is absolutely safe, since with the correct use of the drug, the concentration of its active components does not reach critical levels in the body that can harm health.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, Bengei cream is applied to the damaged skin with a thin layer (2-4 g per application) every 3-4 hours, depending on the dynamics of the pain syndrome. The instruction does not recommend the use of Bengey for a therapeutic purpose for more than 10 days. If during this period there is no positive dynamics and relief of symptoms, then the use of the ointment must be canceled and seek qualified help from a doctor.

The rules for using the drug include:

  • Applying the drug externally to the inflamed area, provided the integrity of the skin. If the skin area is damaged, the use of Bengey is not recommended;
  • Bengey is not used on mucous membranes;
  • Bengey ointment is not used in conjunction with other local irritants. Bengey causes slight hyperemia, enhances microcirculation in subcutaneous tissues, and combination with other drugs of a similar effect leads to increased absorption of the drug components into the blood and an increase in the concentration of substances. Often, a combination of drugs causes allergic skin reactions.

The instruction allows the use of the drug Bengei without the prescription of the attending physician. Bengey belongs to a group of over-the-counter drugs.

Overdose and contraindications to the use of the drug

The prophylactic use of Bengey is absolutely safe
The prophylactic use of Bengey is absolutely safe

Bengey ointment is a safe dosage formulation. In rare cases, if the rules for use are violated (application to mucous membranes, skin with a violation of integrity, the use of the drug inside), an overdose of Bengey ointment is observed. If you find the following symptoms, you must stop using the ointment and seek qualified medical help. All symptoms of an overdose are associated with the achievement of the concentration of active active substances of the drug in the human body of critical numbers.

Symptoms of a menthol overdose:

  • Symptoms of depression of the central nervous system (loss of consciousness, impaired response to external stimuli);
  • Upset gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea);
  • Respiratory depression;
  • Increased blood flow to the face;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Confusion of consciousness.

Symptoms of a methyl salicylate overdose:

  • Malignant hyperthermia (a critical condition caused by the action of certain medications);
  • Increased excitability;
  • Breathing disorder.

The main contraindications to the use of Bengey are:

  • Wounds and other skin disorders in the area of inflammation;
  • Pregnancy and lactation - the components of the ointment, when they enter the bloodstream, penetrate the placental barrier, as well as into breast milk and can significantly affect the development of the fetus. With local external application, the concentration of the active components of the drug does not reach levels that are critical for the fetus, however, one should always take into account the possible risks when using the ointment by pregnant and lactating women;
  • Children's age (the ointment is not recommended for children under 12 years old);
  • Allergy to the components of the product.

When used correctly, Bengey does not affect a person's ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms that require high concentration of attention.

Reviews and recommendations for use

When choosing a local irritant drug such as Bengey, patient reviews will help determine the effectiveness of the ointment. When using Bengey ointment, reviews position the drug as an effective pain reliever that improves the condition of the joints after heavy physical exertion. Bengey, reviews of which can be found on the Internet, is an effective tool for athletes to minimize the concentration of toxins during physical exertion, thereby preventing the development of stagnant processes in muscles and the consequences associated with them. The drug effectively relieves pain in the lower back of various etiologies. Today Bengey is the drug of choice. It is a safe pain relief agent approved for use in a wide range of patients.

Bengey: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Bengey cream for external use 50 g 1 pc.

280 RUB


Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
