Traumatologist - Reviews, Consultation, Reception

Traumatologist - Reviews, Consultation, Reception
Traumatologist - Reviews, Consultation, Reception


A traumatologist is a doctor specializing in the treatment of mechanical damage and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and bones, which result from malnutrition of the articular cartilage tissue and, as a result, loss of elasticity and elasticity. In other words, a traumatologist (from the Greek words: "trauma, traumatos" - wound, injury and "logos" - teaching) is a specialist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system resulting from injuries or other diseases.

Traumatologist - a doctor specializing in traumatic injuries
Traumatologist - a doctor specializing in traumatic injuries

Reasons for contacting a traumatologist

According to traumatologists, the most common reasons for seeking their professional help are bone fractures, in second place are tendon ruptures, and in third place dislocations.

There is an increase in road traffic injuries worldwide, and injuries often accompany many sports. So, according to the rating of Forbes magazine, the ten most traumatic sports in the United States include:

  • Basketball;
  • Cycling;
  • American football;
  • Motor sports;
  • Baseball;
  • Fitness;
  • Football;
  • Diving;
  • Cross-country skiing;
  • Snowboarding;
  • Rugby.

In addition to athletes, the so-called risk group for traumatic injuries, in which the elderly, as well as patients with a lack of calcium and vitamin D, are substances involved in the synthesis of bone tissue and ensure its strength and stability, often need advice from a traumatologist.

Another category of patients, alas, often getting an appointment with a traumatologist is children. Children are mobile, active, and their sense of danger and self-preservation is insufficiently developed, as a result - a large number of childhood injuries and the need to consult a pediatric traumatologist.

Field of activity of traumatologists

The traumatologist diagnoses and treats the following diseases:

  • Fractures;
  • Bruises;
  • Dislocations;
  • Sprains and tears of the ligaments;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Osteomyelitis of the bones;
  • Bone tumors.

Reception of a traumatologist

You can get an outpatient appointment with a traumatologist in trauma rooms (departments) of polyclinics and in trauma centers. Based on the results of a consultation with a traumatologist, the issue of hospitalization of the patient or his treatment on an outpatient basis can be resolved. If necessary, the traumatologist sends him to a specialized surgical hospital. In such medical institutions, the primary appointment of a traumatologist for victims of accidents is also carried out.

The traumatologist of the hospital and trauma center provides assistance not only for isolated damage, but also for multiple injuries that may be accompanied by blood loss, incl. internal bleeding, impaired consciousness and breathing, rapidly developing infection (peritonitis, gangrene), sudden cardiac arrest. Thus, in critical situations, the traumatologist performs the functions of an ambulance doctor.

Modern traumatologists in their work use conservative methods of treatment (the imposition of plaster casts and splints, massage, traction, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapeutic methods of influence), as well as surgical interventions on the organs of the musculoskeletal system, incl. and on the spine.

Pediatric traumatologist

A pediatric traumatologist performs the same functions as an ordinary one, but taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a growing organism.

In children and adolescents, special types of fractures are distinguished, accompanied by slipping or displacement of the end sections of the tubular bones along the line of non-ossified growth cartilage - epiphyses (epiphysis) and apophysis (apophysiolysis). Bone involvement without proper treatment can lead to shortening and curvature of the limb. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of bone tissue in children, subperiosteal fractures of the "green branch" or "willow twig" type often occur with a violation of the integrity of the bone with intact periosteum.

In case of damage to the ligamentous apparatus in children, the pediatric traumatologist determines the separation of the ligaments and tendon sprains at the point of their attachment to the bone along with the osteochondral fragment. With a similar injury in adults, only the ligament is torn.

According to traumatologists, dislocations of bones as a result of trauma are practically not found in children, which is explained by the peculiarity of the anatomical structure of the bones and the ligamentous apparatus of the joint.

Diagnostics in traumatology

During the consultation, the traumatologist can prescribe the following types of diagnostics:

  • X-ray examination is the number one method in the diagnosis of injuries;
  • CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - used to clarify the diagnosis in complex, critical injuries, such as craniocerebral;
  • General clinical blood test - is prescribed to identify violations of homeostasis in order to determine the severity of the injury;
  • Biochemical blood test for calcium, alkaline phosphatase, calcitonin;
  • Densitometry (determination of bone density) - the last two research methods are prescribed for osteomyelitis and osteoporosis.

According to the indications, additional studies can be assigned, as well as consultations of related specialists, for example, a neurosurgeon, cardiologist, etc.

When to see a traumatologist

Consultation with a traumatologist is required if you have the following symptoms:

  • Restriction of movement in the joint;
  • Increased joint size or swelling
  • Pain and crunching during movement;
  • Joint instability;
  • Change in the shape (deformation) of the joint.

According to traumatologists, timely diagnosis and correction of these symptoms can not only speed up the healing process, but also prevent the development of possible complications.

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