Doctor Somnologist - Consultation, Reception, Specificity

Doctor Somnologist - Consultation, Reception, Specificity
Doctor Somnologist - Consultation, Reception, Specificity


A somnologist is a specialist in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders.

Somnologist - a specialist in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders
Somnologist - a specialist in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders

Somnology is a branch of medicine and neuroscience that studies sleep and sleep disorders, and how these disorders affect health. Thus, the doctor somnologist develops appropriate methods of treating sleep disorders.

The competence of somnologists includes not only sleep disorders, but also the study of diseases that develop in sleep. It is known that conditions such as heart attack, stroke, asthma attacks during sleep are especially difficult.

There are many sleep disorders, from insomnia to narcolepsy, in which a person falls asleep out of the blue for no apparent reason.

The somnologist also deals with the problems of night snoring and respiratory arrest during sleep.

When a patient comes to see a somnologist, the doctor tries to find out the nature of the disorder, where the failure occurred in the body. Thus, in order to make a correct diagnosis, the somnologist must find out if the patient has problems at work and in his personal life, what diseases he suffers, and what kind of life he leads.

So, for example, insomnia can occur as a result of a variety of reasons, ranging from psychological and ending with hormonal diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.). Often the causes of insomnia are brain problems, neurosis, etc.

If necessary, the somnologist can refer the patient for examination to other specialists - a psychotherapist, endocrinologist, ENT doctor, etc.

Full healthy sleep is very important for a person, as it provides the necessary rest for the nervous system, when brain cells restore energy. Also, in a dream, the process of cell division of the body is accelerated, and important substances are produced that are necessary for the full functioning of all organs. The human brain is designed in such a way that even at night, during sleep, it does not turn off completely, but continues to assimilate the information received during the day and process it. It happens that in a dream a solution to a certain problem or task comes, the so-called creative insight.

The somnologist receives reception in specialized clinics, sleep centers and scientific laboratories.

In addition to general medical knowledge, a somnologist must thoroughly know the nature of sleep and its disturbances, be familiar with various research methods and be able to work on medical equipment.

What diseases does the doctor somnologist treat?

The competence of a somnologist includes the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Various sleep disorders: sleepwalking, parasomnia, teeth grinding in sleep, urinary incontinence;
  • Insomnia: causes and symptoms;
  • Sleep disturbance as a result of alcohol or drug abuse;
  • Obesity and sleep;
  • Sleep conversations;
  • Snore;
  • The consequences of spilling;
  • Nightmares in a dream;
  • Narcolepsy;
  • Periodic limb movement disorders;
  • Apnea attacks;
  • Sleep and restless legs syndrome;
  • Rapid eye movement sleep phase disturbances;
  • Sleep paralysis;
  • Night terrors.
List of diseases treated by a somnologist
List of diseases treated by a somnologist

When should you seek advice from a sleep doctor?

If the following symptoms appear, you should seek the advice of a somnologist:

  • Increased sleepiness throughout the day
  • Stopping breathing during sleep;
  • Nightmares, sleepwalking, teeth grinding;
  • Long-term use of sleeping pills;
  • Night snoring, especially in combination with diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and lung disease;
  • Sleep problems when working shift jobs or flying across time zones;
  • Dissatisfaction with the quality of sleep (frequent or early awakenings, prolonged falling asleep);
  • Heart ischemia, hypertension, occurring only at night;
  • Epileptic seizures, unusual sleep behavior;
  • Unpleasant sensations during sleep (creepy legs and arms), causing an irresistible desire to move the limbs and subside when moving;
  • Sudden weakness in the muscles of the body that may result in a fall.

One of the founders of clinical sleep medicine in Russia is President of the Russian Society of Somnologists, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Roman Vyacheslavovich Buzunov ( He runs the largest Sleep Medicine Center in Russia. Here they successfully treat the entire spectrum of sleep disorders, but specialize in the most common disorders: snoring, apnea syndrome, insomnia.

R. V. Buzunov receives patients at the Sleep Medicine Center based on the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki: Moscow, st. Efremova, 12, c2. Phone for appointment: +7 495 266 55 35.

What types of diagnostics are performed by a sleep doctor?

To make the correct diagnosis at the appointment, the somnologist may ask the patient to undergo the following diagnostics:

  • Polysomnography is a study when, before going to bed, a patient is put on special sensors that record body functions throughout the night;
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG);
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG) - recording the electrical activity of the brain;
  • Dynamic pulse oximetry - a study of the level of oxygen in the blood without taking a blood test;
  • Electromyogram (EMG) - recording muscle tension;
  • Electrooculogram (EOG) - recording of eye movements.
Polysomnia is a diagnostic method carried out by a somnologist
Polysomnia is a diagnostic method carried out by a somnologist

Only after clarifying the exact diagnosis and causes of the disease, the somnologist prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Sleep doctor advice

If you have trouble sleeping, seek the advice of a sleep doctor. Also stick to the following rules:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends;
  • Try to go to bed only when drowsiness appears;
  • If you have been unable to sleep for a period of time, get out of bed and do some distraction. Go back to bed only when you want to sleep again;
  • Avoid naps. If you are used to sleeping during the day, try to go to bed no later than 15.00 and sleep no longer than one hour;
  • Create a relaxing pre-sleep ritual for yourself. For example, reading a book or taking a relaxing bath;
  • Go in for sports. In the morning, do a warm-up or take long walks in the fresh air;
  • Do not overeat before bed, but if you cannot sleep on an empty stomach, a light dinner will not hurt you;
  • Don't drink coffee six hours before bed;
  • Do not combine alcohol intake with sleeping pills and other medications;
  • Do not overuse sleeping pills, they are addictive.

If the above methods did not help you, you should seek advice from a somnologist.

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