Homeopathic Doctor - Reviews, Specificity, Reception, Treatment Features

Homeopathic Doctor - Reviews, Specificity, Reception, Treatment Features
Homeopathic Doctor - Reviews, Specificity, Reception, Treatment Features


Homeopathy is a special method of treating diseases in chronic and acute form with medicinal preparations made from components of natural origin. Homeopathic treatment has been around for about two hundred years and is considered one of the cheapest and safest treatments.

Homeopath - a physician practicing homeopathic treatments
Homeopath - a physician practicing homeopathic treatments

History and principles of homeopathy

The famous pharmacist and doctor of his time, S. Hahnemann, is considered the creator of homeopathic treatment. He proved that with any disease, the drug that causes symptoms similar to this disease in a healthy human body helps. He decided to get rid of the severe side effects that almost all drugs cause by reducing the dose of the starting material in the finished drug.

Homeopathic medicines are aimed not only at treatment, but also at the prevention of various diseases in children and adults. For the preparation of homeopathic preparations, representatives of the animal, mineral and plant world are used. According to research results, about 40% of people in France use homeopathic medicines. In England, a survey of doctors found that 45% of specialists refer their patients to homeopathic doctors. In our country, homeopathy appeared in the twenties of the nineteenth century. The family homeopaths of the influential aristocrats Tolstoy, Galitsin, Mordvinov played the main role in the development of this method of treatment in the Russian Empire.

At a homeopath's appointment

Judging by the reviews, the homeopath selects the drug only after a fairly long examination of the patient and does not rely on the readings of a computer, a pendulum or other device, but only on specific symptoms of the disease.

At the initial visit, the homeopath not only clarifies the bodily symptoms, but also traces the changes that have occurred in different areas of the patient's life in recent times. The mental and physical symptoms of each patient are unique, therefore, at the beginning of the appointment, the homeopath examines the patient's lifestyle in great detail. He should know almost as much about the patient's life as the patient knows about himself.

After collecting the necessary information, the homeopathic doctor is engaged in the selection of the drug. Finding a remedy for a patient with a chronic illness can take several hours from the homeopath. There are no ready-made formulas in homeopathy. Prescribing a drug is a rather complicated process that requires extensive knowledge from a homeopathic doctor, as well as careful self-observation from the patient. That is, to some extent, the patient is also responsible for the outcome of homeopathic treatment.

Homeopaths base their method of therapy on the patient's intake of disease-causing substances. But these substances are accepted in negligible concentrations. Homeopaths do not use artificial chemicals in treatment.

Judging by the reviews, the homeopathic doctor does not prescribe a cocktail of several drugs, but can prescribe only one drug that is most suitable for the patient at a given time.

In reviews about homeopaths it is said that with absolutely identical diagnoses to several patients, they can prescribe different medicines. The fact is that when choosing a medicine, the individual characteristics of metabolism, the way of responding to external factors, and the reactivity of the body are taken into account. Heredity, emotional background, lifestyle and nutritional characteristics are important.

Based on the reviews, homeopaths effectively treat temporary, age-related and chronic diseases. They also apply to a homeopath for intolerance to hormonal and chemical preparations, as well as for the treatment of diseases during pregnancy.

Duration of treatment with a homeopath

According to reviews, it is not always possible for a homeopathic doctor to find a weak link in a disease from the first time and influence it. This requires special care and perseverance, as well as openness and understanding on the part of the patient. In the future, the doctor can change the appointment when the state of the body changes or if the previous drug did not fit. If the medicine is correctly selected by the doctor, then with a single use in high and medium dilution, it can act in the body for about a month or longer, starting the process of self-healing. The patient's condition during treatment with a homeopath may change - old symptoms may worsen, new ones may appear, or all symptoms of the disease may disappear.

Judging by the reviews, the homeopath most often prohibits the next dose of the medicine while the previous dose continues. In the course of treatment, the homeopath gradually regains the lost balance in the body and decreases susceptibility to various diseases. Homeopathic treatment requires patience from both the patient and the doctor.

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