Volkov's diet
Volkov's diet is a separate food system. There are no general recommendations on the choice of products, the diet is prepared individually.
According to the author, nutritionist A. V. Volkov, for the digestion of different types of food, special enzymes and different times are needed. Therefore, you should not mix in one step products that differ too much in the specified parameters.
Volkov's diet rules:
- protein and carbohydrate foods are not consumed together;
- you should take food only when you feel hungry;
- you can choose any diet, but at least 2 hours should pass between meals;
- 3 liters of water should be consumed per day, with the first liter before breakfast;
- only water or green tea can be consumed with food. The rest of the drinks are allowed 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after it;
- eat only organic products:
- subject products to only minimal heat treatment, cook as quickly as possible;
- prepare meals with dietary methods - boiling, steaming, baking in the oven and grilling;
- the diet should be as varied as possible;
- you need to carefully monitor the body's reaction to food, refusing products, after the use of which the state of health decreases;
- regularly take a biochemical blood test to monitor the body's response to certain foods;
- need daily physical activity, before going to bed - pouring cold water.

Advantages of the Volkov diet
The speed of the plumb line on the Volkov's diet is individual, it depends on the diet and the initial weight - the higher it is, the greater the plumb line.
Volkov's diet belongs to the systems of separate nutrition, therefore, it has a general healing effect.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the Volkov diet
Most doctors consider drinking 3 liters of water daily to be excessive and more harmful than beneficial.
Cold dousing has a tonic (invigorating) effect, so the advisability of carrying out this procedure before bedtime is questionable.
To draw up an individual diet, it is proposed to focus on the results of a regularly taken biochemical blood test, adjusting the menu depending on the indicators. Obviously, this requires a diet under the supervision of a specialist, which is not always convenient and, moreover, costly.
The Volkov diet is not recommended for kidney disease.
What foods are allowed?
The basis of the diet is protein foods, except for prohibited ones, vegetables and fruits, a small amount of vegetable oil.
What foods are prohibited?
- Canned food.
- Stew and fish.
- Meat and fish broth.
- Smoked and fried foods.
- Milk.
- Fast food.
- Carbonated drinks, alcohol.
Volkov's diet menu
An example of a menu for one day of the Volkov diet:
First breakfast | 2-3 raw or boiled eggs, tea. |
Lunch | 100 g oatmeal in water, fruit or fruit salad. |
Dinner | Boiled pork slice, green salad. |
Afternoon snack | Cottage cheese casserole. |
Dinner | A glass of low-fat kefir. |
Useful Tips
Tip 1. Before starting a diet, you should prepare yourself - find a nutritionist familiar with the Volkov system and a laboratory where you can regularly take a blood test.
Tip 2. For best results, it is recommended to visit the sauna or bath.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: any |
4 out of 5 The Volkov diet is based on the principle of separate nutrition. Its difference from others is that the diet is compiled individually, depending on the body's response to certain foods. |
Recommended frequency: any | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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