Meat-free Diet, Soy Diet, Soy Calories

Meat-free Diet, Soy Diet, Soy Calories
Meat-free Diet, Soy Diet, Soy Calories

Meat-free diet

Features of a meat-free diet
Features of a meat-free diet

A meat-free diet, designed to lose weight when overweight and cleanse the body, consists in eliminating meat and meat products from the diet, as well as replacing them with soy products.

Features of a meat-free diet

If you follow a meat-free diet, you must completely abandon the use of meat, meat products and semi-finished products for 10-14 days. In order for the body not to experience a sharp deficiency in protein, calcium and zinc, it is necessary to gradually switch to a diet and include alternative foods with useful substances in the diet.

Healthy foods in this diet include soy, soy sauce, and soy meat, as well as dairy products, fish, and eggs. When dieting, soy sauce can be added to various dishes and seasoned with salads. Vegetables, almonds, legumes, white bread, spinach and broccoli will also replenish the supply of important trace elements and vitamins.

During a meat-free diet, you should abandon high-calorie foods and replace them with soy products. Soy does not cause allergic reactions, has a neutral odor and pleasant taste.

The soy diet is based on soy products that do not contain cholesterol and lactose, are well absorbed and relieve symptoms of intoxication. Regular consumption of soy meat and soy sauce with a diet will reduce the risk of developing cancer, dementia, bone tissue pathologies and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The benefits and effectiveness of the soy diet is due to the presence of lecithin in the plant, which regulates lipid metabolism, promotes fat burning and normalizes the metabolic process.

Calorie content of soy and soy meat

Soy is the preferred food for diet and vegetarian menus as it contains plant-based protein. Soy meat contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E and B, as well as beneficial fatty acids.

The calorie content of soy is 381 kcal, as well as 17 g of fat, 34 g of protein and 17.2 g of carbohydrates.

Meat-free diet means eating alternative foods
Meat-free diet means eating alternative foods

Soybean Meat is a plant-based soy product made from soy flour. This meat is suitable for vegetarian meals and diet menus. The calorie content of soy meat is 296 kcal, and it also contains 52 g of proteins, 2 g of fat and 17 g of carbohydrates.

Diet soups, as well as various dishes with vegetables, pasta and cereals can be prepared from the average calorie content of soy meat.

Benefits of a meat-free diet

A meat-free diet, consisting of soy products, vegetables and fruits, must be followed for no more than 15 days so that the body does not get stressed and does not reach exhaustion. During a soy diet, you must eat at least 3-4 times a day, snack 2-3 times and consume at least 1.5 liters of liquid daily.

Such a diet is well suited for people who are involved in active sports, dance, and also observe proper nutrition. The soy diet helps to eliminate extra pounds, helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body, strengthens the musculoskeletal system and stabilizes the psycho-emotional state.

Before switching to a meat-free diet, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination.

This diet has both advantages and disadvantages. The main benefits of a meat-free diet include:

  • ease of drawing up a weekly menu and the availability of products in its composition;
  • prevention of various diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, cancer, hypertension);
  • effective weight loss without depleting the body;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • increasing muscle elasticity and strengthening bones.

It must be borne in mind that a meat-free diet is contraindicated in anemia, hypotension, exhaustion, brain diseases and mental disorders, as well as in children under 16 years of age.

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