Soy Meat - Harm, Benefits, Calories

Soy Meat - Harm, Benefits, Calories
Soy Meat - Harm, Benefits, Calories

Soy meat

Soy meat is a substitute for natural meat
Soy meat is a substitute for natural meat

Soy meat is a substitute for natural meat made from soy flour. It is classified as instant food. In another way, this meat is also called soy texture, soy protein texture. Soy meat is widely used in the diet of vegetarians, as well as in the cuisines of Asian peoples.

Soy flour is obtained from soybeans, it is pre-defatted before the cooking process. Soy flour is mixed with water in certain proportions to form a viscous dough, which is passed through a machine with special attachments.

The dough is pressed through narrow holes, changes its structure and becomes fibrous, that is, similar in structure to real meat. In addition, high temperatures and pressures cause certain biochemical changes in it. Depending on the type of bait, goulash, minced meat flakes or chops can be obtained. The finished soy meat product is dried and packaged.

Before preparing food from soy meat, it is first boiled or soaked in water, marinade. As a result, soy meat replenishes lost fluid and its fibers swell, increasing in size two to three times. The taste of such meat will be better if it is boiled in water with spices. Once the meat has regained its volume, it can be cooked as natural.

Soy meat can be used to prepare any dishes that include ordinary meat - schnitzel, pilaf, azu, goulash, steak, it can be added to meat salads, vegetable stews. A dry semi-finished product is usually stored for one year, and dishes prepared from soy meat do not last longer than 3 days in the refrigerator.

The benefits of soy meat

It is known that ready-made soy meat contains up to 50 - 70% of high-quality protein, which in its properties is not inferior to animal protein. In the human body, protein becomes a source of amino acids, without which growth, restoration of damaged tissues, the formation of enzymes, etc. is impossible.

The benefits of soy meat are evidenced by its rich mineral composition - it contains a sufficient amount of calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. So, the iron content in soy is 7 times higher than the amount of this trace element in bread.

This meat contains a number of B vitamins, as well as fat-soluble vitamins E, D. Another argument in favor of soy meat is its artificially reduced fat and cholesterol content.

Eating soy meat instead of usual reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and allergies. The calorie content of soy meat is about 102 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to such a low calorie content, soy meat can rightfully be considered dietary and recommended for consumption by obese people.

The raffinose sugar in soy meat is a source of nutrients for bifidobacteria in the intestines. Due to this, if the balance of microflora is disturbed, the use of soy meat will have a positive effect on the microbial landscape of the intestine.

Soy meat with pasta
Soy meat with pasta

Lecithin and choline, contained in soy, normalize the activity of the nervous system; they are part of the membranes of the nerve trunks and brain matter. Eating a sufficient amount of lecithin and choline improves thought processes, memory, and reaction speed.

Soy meat contains phytic acids, which can slow down the multiplication of tumor cells.

Soy meat harm

There are studies proving that the consumption of soy meat in significant quantities provokes the occurrence of a number of diseases. In particular, the harm of soy meat is to stunt growth in children and adolescents, the formation of thyroid insufficiency. Soy proteins change the hormonal activity of the endocrine glands, therefore, soy meat causes the greatest harm to the health of pregnant women, for whom it is contraindicated during this period.

With the abuse of soy meat, as well as other soy products, sometimes there are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, the likelihood of the formation of stones in the urinary tract increases. This is due to the fact that soy contains a lot of oxalates (salts of oxalic acid), as a result of which the acid-base balance of urine is disturbed.

Allergic reactions occur to soy meat, which can manifest itself as a rash, hives, symptoms of food intolerance in the form of diarrhea, rumbling and abdominal pain.

Soy as a meat substitute has been shown to accelerate brain aging, especially in the elderly.

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