Alleles (Greek allelon - mutually, each other; synonyms: allelic genes, allelomorphs) are forms of the state of the same gene, which occupy identical loci of homologous chromosomes and cause phenotypic differences in individuals.
Alleles are dominant - they are equally manifested in the hetero- and homozygous state and prevent the manifestation of other alleles of the given gene in heterozygotes;
Lethal alleles (synonym: flew) - cause the death of the host organism;
Multiple alleles - alleles of one gene that arise due to mutations and differ in their manifestation;
Alleles are unstable - characterized by high mutability, i.e. mutating much more often than the average level of spontaneous mutations;
Normal alleles (synonyms: plus-alleles, wild-type alleles) are usually dominant, which determine the development of a trait characteristic of most individuals that make up natural populations of a particular biological species;
Alleles are recessive - they appear only in a hemizygous or homozygous state;
Sub-lethal alleles - significantly reduce the viability of host organisms.
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Automatism (Greek automates spontaneous, self-acting) - the ability of individual cells, tissues or organs to rhythmic activity in the absence of obvious connections with external stimuli
Adaptation (lat.adaptatio - adaptation) - the process of adaptation of an organism, population or other biological system to changing conditions of existence (functioning)
Adrenergic receptors (lat.adrenalis - adrenal; - at + ren - kidney + receptor - receiving; synonym: adrenergic receptors, adrenoreactive structures, adrenoreactive systems) - biochemical structures of cells that interact with adrenergic mediators (dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline ) and convert the energy of this interaction into the energy of a specific effect (muscle contraction, nerve impulse)
Acrodermatitis (acrodermatitis; Greek akros - the most distant, extreme, high + derma (dermatos) - skin + Latin it (word-form suffix) - inflammatory process) - the general name of a group of dermatoses with an exclusive or predominant lesion of the distal extremities