Exercises For Coxarthrosis Of The Hip Joint 1, 2, 3 Degrees With Video

Exercises For Coxarthrosis Of The Hip Joint 1, 2, 3 Degrees With Video
Exercises For Coxarthrosis Of The Hip Joint 1, 2, 3 Degrees With Video

Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint: recommendations, contraindications

The content of the article:

  1. The purpose of physical therapy
  2. General recommendations
  3. A set of exercises
  4. Contraindications
  5. Video

Exercise for coxarthrosis of the hip joint (HJ) plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. From the moment the diagnosis is made, the patient is recommended to do them regularly. It must be remembered that exercise therapy is prescribed not in order to increase the load on the damaged joint, but for its development.

With coxarthrosis, exercise therapy plays an important role
With coxarthrosis, exercise therapy plays an important role

With coxarthrosis, exercise therapy plays an important role

Coxarthrosis is a chronic disease during which the hip joint is gradually destroyed. There are certain techniques, including Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko, which can reduce the manifestations of the disease and prevent complications.

The purpose of physical therapy

Gymnastics classes provide an opportunity:

  • reduce pain in the affected area;
  • prevent the proliferation of osteophytes, the development of contracture in the joint and further degenerative changes in the joints;
  • to strengthen the musculoskeletal system (in order to reduce the load on the joint);
  • improve the mobility of joints and blood circulation in the affected area.
When choosing a treatment complex, the degree of joint damage should be taken into account
When choosing a treatment complex, the degree of joint damage should be taken into account

When choosing a treatment complex, the degree of joint damage should be taken into account

In this case, the exercise therapy complex should take into account the degree of damage to the joint:

Stage Description
1st degree Movement restriction is insignificant; narrowing of the joint space is small, uneven, indistinct; initial osteophytes
2nd degree Severe limitation of joint mobility; when driving, a rough crunch is heard; narrowing of the joint space - 2-3 times in comparison with the norm; significant osteophytes
Grade 3 The joint is deformed; deformation and compaction of the articular surfaces of the epiphyses; complete absence of the joint space; extensive osteophytes; subchondral cysts; articular mice

General recommendations

With regular exercise therapy, about 90% of patients see significant improvements within a month. In order to get a positive effect, you must:

  • take gymnastics for at least half an hour;
  • increase the load gradually, since sharp physical activity can aggravate the course of the disease;
  • perform movements slowly, smoothly, without jerking, with due attention to the execution technique.

A set of exercises

Charge while lying on a firm surface. It is recommended to practice on a folded blanket or a special rug.

Exercise therapy can be done during the period outside the exacerbation of the disease
Exercise therapy can be done during the period outside the exacerbation of the disease

Exercise therapy can be done during the period outside the exacerbation of the disease

The exercise is performed in the starting position lying on the stomach, hands along the body, palms up. The abdomen and pelvis should be sweaty pressed to the floor, and the limbs are lifted with the effort of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The left leg is lifted up to an angle of 15 degrees.

At the top point, it is fixed and held for 40 seconds, then returned to its original position. After this, the exercise is repeated for the right leg. At the next stage, dynamic gymnastics is shown: limb lifts are performed without fixation at the top point. Repeat no more than 12 times.

The starting position for the next exercise is lying on your back, arms along the body. The left leg is lifted at an angle of 10 degrees and fixed in this position for 40 seconds. Then it is returned to its original position and repeated for the right limb. At the next stage, they begin to perform dynamically, fixing the leg in the upper position for not 2 seconds. The movements are repeated 10-12 times.

Other physical exercise:

  • starting position - lying on your back. Both legs are lifted up 15 degrees. The limbs should be spread apart, then put them together. The movements are repeated 10 times;
  • starting position - lying on its side. The leg that touches the floor should be bent at the knee. The other limb is raised above the floor by 35 degrees and the foot is turned outward, then returned back. Movements are performed 15 times, then turn over on the other side;
  • starting position - sitting on the floor with a straight back. Smoothly bending forward, you need to clasp your feet with your hands and linger for 3 minutes. The exercise is performed once;
  • starting position - sitting with your back against the wall, legs spread as wide as possible. The limb is bent at the knee and tilted inward, trying to press it to the floor. In the lower position, the leg is fixed for 10 seconds. The movements are repeated for the other leg;
  • starting position - sitting on a chair with knees bent at right angles. The left leg is straightened and lifted up as high as possible. The exercise is repeated for the right leg. You need to do 5 repetitions.

To consolidate the result, massage the inner and outer thighs. Rubbing starts from the knees.


It is not recommended to perform gymnastics in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of coxarthrosis: if the patient has a pronounced inflammatory process and severe pain;
  • condition after suffering a heart attack / stroke or surgery;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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