Coxarthrosis Of The Hip Joint 1 Degree: Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

Coxarthrosis Of The Hip Joint 1 Degree: Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis
Coxarthrosis Of The Hip Joint 1 Degree: Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

The content of the article:

  1. Causes of occurrence
  2. Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree
  3. Diagnosis of the disease
  4. Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree

    1. Drug treatment
    2. Massotherapy
    3. Healing Fitness
    4. Mud treatment
    5. Traditional methods
    6. Diet therapy
    7. Surgery
  5. Prevention of the disease
  6. Video

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree is an early stage of the disease, which is characterized by deformation of cartilage and bone and accompanied by episodic pain. If the pathology is not treated, it can progress and lead to limitations in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by unexpressed symptoms against the background of gradual destruction of the joint
Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by unexpressed symptoms against the background of gradual destruction of the joint

Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by unexpressed symptoms against the background of gradual destruction of the joint

Coxarthrosis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which can occur against the background of other pathological conditions. The disease begins to develop gradually in old age (after 40 years), without pronounced signs, without affecting the person's ability to work.

Due to the destruction of the cartilage and bone tissue of the hip joint, pain occurs after physical exertion (running, walking, etc.).

Possible consequences:

  • decreased performance: in 60% of cases;
  • disability: 11.5%;
  • the need for surgery (arthroplasty): 80%.

Causes of occurrence

Coxarthrosis can be primary and secondary.

Primary osteoarthritis can develop due to excessive physical exertion
Primary osteoarthritis can develop due to excessive physical exertion

Primary osteoarthritis can develop due to excessive physical exertion

The primary form of the disease occurs when there are risk factors, which can be:

  • physical activity (running, walking);
  • excess weight;
  • metabolic and circulatory disorders in the joint, including diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis;
  • trauma;
  • heredity - the risk of development increases in people whose relatives suffered from arthrosis;
  • joint inflammation - arthritis;
  • stressful conditions.

The secondary form occurs against the background of diseases of the hip joint. These include:

  • dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • congenital dislocation of the hip;
  • injuries of the hip, pelvis;
  • inflammatory processes of infectious origin;
  • aseptic necrosis;
  • Perthes disease.

Also, depending on the localization of the pathological process, coxarthrosis can be right-sided, left-sided or bilateral.

Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree

Depending on the symptoms, the development of coxarthrosis is divided into three stages. The main symptom of the disease is severe pain in the hip, groin and knee joint.

Pain is a characteristic symptom of the disease
Pain is a characteristic symptom of the disease

Pain is a characteristic symptom of the disease.

Coxarthrosis of 1 degree is characterized by the appearance of periodic pain in the patient as a result of various kinds of physical exertion. The pain is localized in the hip joint and can also spread to the hip and knee. After rest, the painful sensations disappear.

With the 1st degree of the disease, using an x-ray of the hip joint, it is possible to reveal an uneven narrowing of the joint space and the growth of bone tissue in the acetabulum. No changes in the neck and head of the femur were observed.

With coxarthrosis of the 1st degree, the patient does not have:

  • restrictions on movement: disturbances when walking or running;
  • changes in muscle strength.

Diagnosis of the disease

When diagnosing, the clinical symptoms of the disease, examination data and radiography are taken into account. Functional tests are also used to determine the range of motion, the length of the limbs is determined in order to identify their shortening.

A pelvic x-ray is usually done to make a diagnosis
A pelvic x-ray is usually done to make a diagnosis

A pelvic x-ray is usually done to make a diagnosis.

Pelvic X-ray is one of the instrumental methods that allows you to determine the degree of development of coxarthrosis. If necessary, other diagnostic methods can be used:

  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

CT provides an opportunity to study pathological changes in bone tissue, while MRI and ultrasound allow us to assess the condition of the cartilage tissue in the hip joint.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree

Treatment is complex and conservative:

  • drug therapy;
  • massage;
  • remedial physical culture (exercise therapy);
  • mud therapy;
  • folk methods;
  • surgical intervention.

Drug treatment

The main goal of drug treatment is to relieve severe pain and inflammation, regenerate cartilage tissue without surgery. To normalize blood circulation, relieve thigh muscle spasms and restore cartilage tissues, drugs with different mechanisms of action are used.

Medication therapy is selected by the attending physician
Medication therapy is selected by the attending physician

Medication therapy is selected by the attending physician

Warming ointments / compresses with antispasmodics are indicated for relieving pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed, but long-term use of these drugs can slow down the recovery of cartilage damage.

They stimulate the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue and the formation of articular fluid, prevent the destruction of articular cartilage, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chondroitin sulfate is a mucopolysaccharide that takes part in the formation of cartilage and bone tissue, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


The advantage of therapeutic massage is its safety for any degree of disease. A course of massage is prescribed after medication to relieve spasms, improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles.

Depending on the patient's condition, the course can be 10-15 sessions. According to reviews, therapeutic massage has a quick effect, stopping the symptoms of pathology.

Often this procedure is combined with swimming or medical gymnastics. Massage of the lower back, thigh and hip joint includes warming strokes at the beginning and more intense rubbing and circular movements with the thumbs instead of them.

Healing Fitness

The development of a joint damaged by arthrosis is the main task of exercise therapy. To restore the physiological range of motion of the joint, exercises must be performed carefully, without jerking. They should not be dynamic, but static in nature, performed in a standing position, lying on your back and stomach.

For the treatment of pathology, it is important to engage in physiotherapy exercises
For the treatment of pathology, it is important to engage in physiotherapy exercises

For the treatment of pathology, it is important to engage in physiotherapy exercises

After performing exercise therapy, it is recommended to take water procedures. With 1 degree of the disease, prolonged physical activity is contraindicated.

Mud treatment

Mud therapy is another way to achieve normalization of blood circulation, acceleration of regeneration processes in the bone and cartilage tissue of the joint affected by coxarthrosis.

With the 1st degree of the disease, treatment begins with 10 procedures lasting 15-30 minutes, once every 2-3 days. The mud is applied to the lumbar region, its temperature during the procedure should be 40–45 ° C.

Therapeutic exercises, massage and mud treatments are most effective in the early stages of arthrosis of the hip joint.

Traditional methods

With coxarthrosis of the first degree, as one of the elements of complex therapy, alternative methods approved by the attending physician can be used. They can be divided according to the mode of action: local, or local (ointments, compresses, baths) and systemic (taking orally infusions).

At home, you can do turpentine baths
At home, you can do turpentine baths

At home, you can do turpentine baths

Local folk remedies include baths with turpentine, honey, sea salt. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. An infusion of celandine can also be used to rub into the hip joint. The duration of the course of procedures is 1 month.

Diet therapy

An important element of treatment if the patient is overweight is diet, which is necessary to reduce weight and reduce the load on the damaged joints.

Diet is important for overweight patients
Diet is important for overweight patients

Diet is important for overweight patients

Food products recommended for use by patients:

Product properties Description
With a low glycemic index Green peas, beans, broccoli, lettuce, radish
Rich in pectin Currants, apples
Low fat Rabbit, turkey, chicken, lean fish
Cereals Brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal

Fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, unrefined vegetable oils will be useful.


Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is treated with medication and physiotherapy. In case of further progression of the disease to the third stage, they resort to surgical intervention.

The replacement of the hip joint with an endoprosthesis is carried out, due to which its motor function can be restored almost completely (up to 95%). A postoperative rehabilitation course is mandatory.

Prevention of the disease

Measures to prevent the development of coxarthrosis include maintaining a healthy, active and active lifestyle, exercising regularly to strengthen muscles and joints, and controlling weight.

As a prophylaxis for the elderly, doctors recommend:

  • follow the principles of healthy eating;
  • exercise;
  • take a course of massage procedures;
  • visit the pool;
  • do Norwegian walking or skiing;
  • to undergo spa treatment;
  • take chondroprotective drugs once a year.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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