Hematoma During Early Pregnancy: Causes, Treatment, Consequences

Hematoma During Early Pregnancy: Causes, Treatment, Consequences
Hematoma During Early Pregnancy: Causes, Treatment, Consequences

Hematoma during early pregnancy: causes, signs, treatment, prevention

The content of the article:

  1. The reasons
  2. Signs
  3. Diagnostics
  4. Treatment

    1. Drug therapy
    2. Power features
  5. Prevention and prognosis
  6. Video

A hematoma during early pregnancy may not manifest itself in any way, but at the same time it carries a potential risk to the life of the fetus. In 20% of cases, pathology becomes the cause of spontaneous miscarriage.

Retrochorial hematoma is diagnosed early in pregnancy
Retrochorial hematoma is diagnosed early in pregnancy

Retrochorial hematoma is diagnosed early in pregnancy

The chorion functions during the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy, after which it turns into the placenta. Retrochorial hematoma (RH) is a detachment of the ovum from the chorion, while the cavity between them is filled with blood.

Pathology is characterized by detachment of the ovum from the chorion
Pathology is characterized by detachment of the ovum from the chorion

Pathology is characterized by detachment of the ovum from the chorion

If a hematoma forms after the chorion degenerates into the placenta, then a retroplacental hematoma is diagnosed. This diagnosis is made after the fifteenth week of pregnancy.

The reasons

Possible causes of hematoma in early pregnancy:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • trauma and damage to the abdomen;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • strong physical activity;
  • fetal malformations;
  • genetic disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • underdevelopment of the genitals (infantilism);
  • vibration;
  • alcohol abuse, drug use, smoking;
  • too active sex life;
  • uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • getting into stressful situations.

Since the connection of the ovum with the uterus is not yet very strong in the early stages of pregnancy, RH is quite common. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and start treating the pathology.


If a retrochorial hematoma occurs in the area of the fundus of the uterus, it does not manifest itself in any way, and it can only be detected by ultrasound. If it is small and does not cause any symptoms, then most often it dissolves on its own without consequences.

There are certain symptoms that indicate the presence of RH:

Symptoms Description
Brown vaginal discharge This sign indicates the formation of a cavity between the chorionic membrane and the fetal membrane. It fills with blood, which coagulates and is evacuated from the uterine cavity. After conducting numerous studies, it was found that the release of blood clots from the cavity is a sign of positive dynamics.
Discharge of scarlet blood from the vagina

This is the most dangerous sign that indicates a severe form of pathology. If bleeding is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, this indicates the progression of retrochorial hematoma, which in most cases causes premature termination of pregnancy

Pain sensations A pulling pain in the abdomen or lower back, which can worsen with physical exertion, may indicate the presence of pathology


Retrochorial hematoma is diagnosed by ultrasound examination (ultrasound). When viewed with a strip probe, pathology can be detected before the onset of clinical manifestations. The transmitter emits ultra-high frequency sound waves to the object under study. Touching an obstacle, some of them come back and are caught by the receiver.

Most often, pathology is detected with a planned ultrasound
Most often, pathology is detected with a planned ultrasound

Most often, pathology is detected with a planned ultrasound

Different fabrics have different levels of reflection and absorption of ultrasonic waves, so a fairly clear picture is possible.

If hemorrhage is suspected, your doctor may order additional ultrasound examinations. The result is recorded on a special form. These studies are evaluated by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Ultrasound of pregnant women is performed three times: at intervals of 10-14, 20-24 and 30-34 weeks. Additionally, the patient is assigned the following tests:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram (blood coagulation);
  • vaginal smears, they allow you to identify the causative agents of infectious diseases (trichomoniasis, candidiasis, gonorrhea);
  • analysis for hormones (progesterone, chorionic gonadotropin);
  • analysis for TORCH infection. This is a comprehensive examination, during pregnancy, it allows you to identify cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella. The material for research is blood taken from a vein. The PCR method allows detecting antibodies to the causative agent of the disease.


Treatment of this type of hematoma is carried out in a hospital setting. Drugs for the treatment of pathology should be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot start taking any medications on your own, as this can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

For timely diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment, you must contact a gynecologist
For timely diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment, you must contact a gynecologist

For timely diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment, you must contact a gynecologist

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the laying and formation of all systems and organs of the child takes place, therefore, when prescribing drugs during this period, it is necessary to assess the ratio of the possible benefits and harms from their use. Only a qualified technician can make a correct assessment.

With a mild form of pathology, its signs are practically absent. In some cases, a small amount of blood may be released.

Drug therapy

If the presence of a hematoma is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, severe cramps and profuse bleeding, the patient is hospitalized.

To reduce the tone of the uterus, antispasmodics are prescribed, for example, containing drotaverine hydrochloride
To reduce the tone of the uterus, antispasmodics are prescribed, for example, containing drotaverine hydrochloride

To reduce the tone of the uterus, antispasmodics are prescribed, for example, containing drotaverine hydrochloride

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • antispasmodics: No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverin;
  • sedatives: valerian extract, Persen;
  • drugs to increase blood clotting: Etamsilat, Ditsinon, Tranexam;
  • progesterone preparations: Duphaston, Terzhinan, Ingesta;
  • vitamin complexes: Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal.

An important indicator is the color of the discharge: bright red blood indicates the development of bleeding, and brown blood indicates resorption of the hematoma.

Power features

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition during the period of gestation. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that increase gas production in the intestines:

  • cabbage (white cabbage, Beijing, broccoli);
  • radish and radish;
  • legumes (soybeans, beans, peas);
  • mushrooms;
  • porridge (pearl barley, wheat);
  • dairy products (milk, fat cottage cheese and sour cream, cream, curdled milk);
  • fruits (apples, pears, grapes, apricots, peaches, plums).
It is important to drink enough liquid, including compote, decoctions or weak tea
It is important to drink enough liquid, including compote, decoctions or weak tea

It is important to drink enough liquid, including compote, decoctions or weak tea

A pregnant woman needs to consume a sufficient amount of liquid (up to 2 liters per day). You can drink still water, compotes, decoctions or weak tea. It is worth giving up drinking coffee, carbonated drinks, strong tea or alcohol.

In the presence of a hematoma, it is impossible to drink herbal decoctions or infusions without the consent of a doctor, since the biologically active substances that are contained in the composition can cause increased bleeding.

Food should be taken frequently, in small portions. It is better to cook it by boiling or baking. It is worth giving up the use of fatty, fried or spicy foods.

Prevention and prognosis

In most cases, early treatment can preserve the pregnancy.

In order to prevent the appearance of pathology in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary:

  • avoid physical exertion and nervous shocks;
  • eat right, exclude fried and fatty foods from the diet in order to avoid the appearance of congestion in the intestines;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • consult a doctor in a timely manner, take the prescribed tests.

If spotting is detected, do not panic, you need to consult a gynecologist and follow all his instructions.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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