Ametropia - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Ametropia - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Ametropia - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Ametropia (ametropia; Greek ametros - disproportionate, disproportionate + opos, ops - eye) is one of the refractive errors of the eye, in which the correspondence between the length of the optical axis of the eye and the refractive power of its optical system is disturbed.


  • Combination ametropia (ametropia combinativa) - ametropia, in which the values of the optical axis of the eye and the refractive power of its optical system are within the normal range, but their combination does not provide normal refraction;
  • Axial ametropia (ametropia axialis) - ametropia, which is caused by a deviation from the normal length of the optical axis of the eye while maintaining the normal values of its refractive power;
  • Refractive ametropia (ametropia refractiva) - ametropia, which is caused by a deviation from the norm of the refractive power of the optical system of the eye while maintaining the normal length of its optical axis;
  • Mixed ametropia (ametropia mixta) - ametropia in which the values of the refractive power of the optical system of the eye and the length of the optical axis are outside the normal range.

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