English diet
The famous expression "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy" is the gold standard of most diets. Against this background, the "English Diet" seems questionable in terms of effectiveness: the main idea of the diet is to consume the most high-calorie foods in the evening. It is assumed that the amount eaten increases during the day. For a modest non-English breakfast, there is a loose lunch, after (on days 4–6) an afternoon snack, followed by dinner, and the last meal should be before 19.00. It is forbidden to increase the number of meals.
The English Diet lasts 21 days - three weekly cycles. The first two "hungry" days involve a very limited diet. This is followed by alternation: vegetable day, protein, vegetable and again protein. A smooth exit from the diet is recommended: after it, make one day purely dairy, and then gradually, one at a time, introduce the usual products into the menu.
This nutrition system promises to lose 10-12 kg of excess weight.

Source: depositphotos.com
Advantages of the "English Diet"
One of the strengths of the "English Diet" is the alternation of protein and vegetable days. Thanks to this, vitamins, trace elements and fiber enter the body, supporting the functioning of the intestines, and animal protein does not allow muscles to break down.
The variety of the menu is also a plus for the diet. Vegetables, meat, dairy products, even small amounts of bread are the basis that is necessary for the functioning of the body. In addition, although sweets are prohibited, those who are losing weight are allowed to feast on a spoonful of honey.
Duration of the diet - 21 days - is optimal in order to get used to the new diet, which reduces the likelihood of breakdowns.
The structuredness of the diet, the presence of clear boundaries and recommendations allow those who are losing weight not to think about the menu.
The diet will appeal to those who are afraid of night "invasions" of the refrigerator, do not like or are not used to having breakfast, spend all day at work. In a word, this diet is convenient for most of the inhabitants of our country.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the "English diet"
The main disadvantage is the extremely low calorie content of the menu. While nutritionists recommend at least 1,500 calories a day, the English Diet's daily food set contains no more than 1,000 calories, which negatively affects metabolism. And one has only to return to a more familiar diet, and the lost kilograms with a high degree of probability will appear again.
The "English Diet" is not recommended for those with kidney problems. Consultation with a nutritionist before starting the diet is required.
What foods are allowed?
Rye bread is allowed on all days of the "English Diet". Non-carbonated mineral water, green tea, herbal decoctions are acceptable.
On two "hungry" days, milk and tomato juice are also allowed.
On vegetable days - apples, oranges, vegetables (except potatoes), honey.
On protein days - meat or fish broth, boiled meat and fish, low-fat ham, eggs, peas, kefir, milk, butter, honey, black coffee.
What foods are prohibited?
All products, except those permitted, are prohibited, including alcohol and carbonated drinks, sugar, baked goods, potatoes.
English Diet Menu
First and second day |
1 liter of milk, a glass of unsalted tomato juice, 2 slices of rye bread. |
Protein days |
Breakfast: a cup of coffee with milk, a slice of rye bread with 1 tsp. butter (optional) and 1 tsp. honey. Lunch: a plate of fish or meat broth, fish or meat, steamed or boiled, 2 tbsp. l. peas (optional), a slice of rye bread. Afternoon snack: a cup of tea with 1 tsp. honey. Dinner: a small piece of boiled meat or fish, or a piece of ham, or 2 boiled eggs, 50 g of cheese, a slice of rye bread, a glass of kefir. |
Vegetable days |
Breakfast: 2 apples or oranges. Lunch: vegetable soup with a slice of rye bread, salad or vinaigrette without potatoes. Afternoon snack: 2 apples or oranges. Dinner: vegetable salad with a slice of rye bread, a glass of tea with 1 tsp. honey (optional). |
Useful Tips
Advice 1. Do not invent new dishes or replace the proposed products with any analogues. To achieve a high result, you must strictly follow all the recommendations.
Advice 2. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, especially on protein days, when the body spends more water. To avoid dehydration, you must drink at least 4 glasses of water a day.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 21 days |
3.5 out of 5 One of the strict diets based on the principle of protein-carbohydrate alternation. A gradual exit from the diet is necessary, otherwise the lost weight will quickly return. |
Recommended frequency: once a year | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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