Drinking diet

Drinking diet is a diet for weight loss and purification of the body at the cellular level from the category of "strict", in which you should not eat any solid food.
The task of the drinking diet is to reduce the load on the digestive system, without significantly reducing the intake of nutrients, vitamins and microelements into the body.
Drinking diet: menu
The drinking diet menu can be tailored to taste preferences, regardless of age, gender and excess weight, by choosing from the following liquids:
- Broths. Broths are allowed from lean beef or veal, chicken, low-fat fish. Vegetable broths from any vegetables. A small amount of salt is allowed; spices and hot vegetables are excluded;
- Liquid dairy products no more than 1.5-2.0% fat. Kefir, fermented baked milk, drinking yogurt without food additives, etc. Milk is poorly absorbed by an adult body, therefore it is not recommended to use it;
- Juices, only freshly squeezed from unsweetened fruits. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, it is better to drink orange or grapefruit juices;
- Any teas - black, green, red, white, fruit. Without sugar or sweeteners, it is allowed to add lemon or milk;
- Kissels and compotes from fruits, berries, oatmeal jelly. No sugar, sweeteners, starch or jelly;
- Water is required. Regardless of the menu of the drinking diet, you must drink 1.5 liters of pure plain water daily without gas.
It is forbidden to add sugar and any sweeteners, even natural ones, to the drinks of the drinking diet menu. Alcohol, packaged juices, spicy and hot seasonings, any vegetable oil, dairy products with a fat content of more than 2%, fatty broths are excluded. Salt in small amounts may be used in the preparation of liquid mashed soups.
It is advisable to include liquid vegetable puree soup daily (at least 1 time) in the drinking diet menu. Recommended recipes for simple vegetable soups:
- Vegetable puree soup. One medium-sized potato, several cauliflower florets, a couple of small carrots per liter of liquid. Pour potatoes cut into large cubes with broth or water, put on fire. When it boils, add cauliflower and carrots and cook until tender. Add onion to taste, bell pepper without skin. Boiled vegetables are cooled and crushed in a blender, broth is added to the desired (not very thick) consistency;
- Puree soup with turnips. 70-100 gr. turnips and potatoes, 50 gr. carrots and leeks, one glass of skim milk. Finely chopped vegetables are boiled until tender in low-fat broth or water, after cooling, with a small amount of broth, grind in a blender or rub through a sieve. Hot milk is poured in, you can add a little salt.
In the drinking diet menu, any other options for making mashed soups are possible, taking into account personal taste preferences and the restrictions described above.
Drinking diet 7 days
Compliance with a drinking diet for 7 days allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, without exhausting or subjecting it to severe stress. The result of a drinking diet, according to reviews, will be 4-7 kg of lost weight in 7 days.
The 7-day drinking diet can be based on only one of any liquid products (puree soup, broth, kefir, jelly, etc.) - a mono-diet. But it is more useful to alternate days, using different liquids, which will more fully supply the body with the necessary nutrients and diversify the weekly menu.
According to reviews, the 7-day drinking diet is easier to tolerate if you alternate, without a specific sequence, the following drinking days:
- 1 - dairy products, fat content no more than 1.5-2.0%: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, drinking yogurt without fillers;
- 2 - vegetable and low-fat meat broths or pureed soups based on them;
- 3 - freshly squeezed fruit juices from sweet and sour fruits;
- 4 - various types of freshly brewed loose leaf tea, optionally with milk or lemon;
- 5 - jelly, only from fresh fruits and berries;
- 6 - compotes from fresh fruits and berries or dried fruits;
- 7 - oatmeal jelly.
Drink 1.5 liters of gas-free drinking water every day throughout the week. To avoid morning swelling, it is not recommended to drink immediately before bedtime.

As a result of a drinking diet, according to reviews, loose stools may be observed in the first days, this is normal. A decrease in nutrient intake and a lack of habitual chewing movements can also provoke irritability, weakness, dizziness, and deterioration in performance.
Drinking diet: contraindications
A strict drinking diet is categorically contraindicated in the case of:
- Any problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Heart or kidney disease;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Weakened general condition of the body;
- Edema tendencies;
- Hypertension or hypotension.
Before starting a drinking diet, it is better to undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor. With persistent manifestations of negative symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, dizziness, the diet should be interrupted.
Exiting a drinking diet
The temporary proportions of withdrawal from the drinking diet are 1: 2, for example, it is necessary to leave the drinking diet for 7 days for 2 weeks. The exit should be gradual and careful so as not to injure the gastrointestinal tract with solid food, from which he lost the habit during the drinking diet. It should be gradually, once every 2-3 days, first introduce fruits, vegetables, cereals into the diet, then low-fat protein products. It is recommended to start consuming sugar 2 weeks after the end of the drinking diet.
As a result of a drinking diet, according to reviews, the stomach is significantly reduced in volume and does not stretch with a smooth exit from the diet. This allows you to saturate with a smaller amount of food, reduces appetite and leads to gradual weight loss.
While following a drinking diet, especially a long one, it is recommended to take a complex of minerals and vitamins to maintain the normal functioning of the body.
It is recommended to use a drinking diet no more than once a year, preferably after consultation and under medical supervision.
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