Ear Pain Treatment - Types Of Pain And How To Treat It

Ear Pain Treatment - Types Of Pain And How To Treat It
Ear Pain Treatment - Types Of Pain And How To Treat It

Ear pain treatment

Causes and treatment of shooting ear pain
Causes and treatment of shooting ear pain

Pain in the hearing area can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common of these is an acute inflammatory process directly in the ear itself. This organ consists of several anatomical divisions - external, middle and internal. Depending on which department is damaged, inflammation - otitis media - bears the appropriate name. If ear pain occurs, treatment depends primarily on the location and severity of the lesion. An important diagnostic symptom in this case is the nature of the pain, it can be either aching or shooting or throbbing.

Aching ear pain, treatment

Otitis externa often develops due to hypothermia or mechanical damage to the auricle, as well as the beginning of the ear canal. A fairly common cause of inflammation is the ingress of water into the ear. A characteristic symptom of malaise is aching pain in the tragus region, which increases significantly when pressed. The disease is accompanied by redness and swelling of the visible outer ear, a slight increase in temperature. Purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor may also be noted. In this case, hearing, as a rule, does not deteriorate.

When ear pain occurs, treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation. If there is purulent discharge, an abscess is opened. After that, the patient is shown warming compresses, physiotherapeutic procedures, washing the ear canal with disinfectant solutions. As such agents, a 3% solution of Boric acid or a solution of Furacilin are used. If there is no abscess, signs of which are purulent discharge and high temperature, a warming compress is often enough to get rid of otitis externa.

When aching pain in the ear appears, treatment can be carried out with folk remedies. One of them is the use of well-known geraniums. A freshly plucked leaf, lightly rubbed by hands, inserted into the ear canal, reduces inflammation and significantly reduces the feeling of pain. However, it is still necessary to see a doctor, since for pain in the ears, treatment should be monitored by a specialist.

Shooting ear pain, treatment

When shooting pains in the ears appear, treatment requires a more serious attitude. Such sensations indicate the development of acute inflammation of the middle ear. Most often, it occurs against the background of diseases such as tonsillitis, flu, laryngitis. The pain may radiate to the temple or teeth on the side of the affected ear. It feels congestion, noise, hearing acuity decreases. Often there is severe pain in the corresponding half of the head, the ailment is accompanied by a sufficiently high temperature.

With a shooting pain in the ear, treatment depends on the timely treatment of a doctor. If there is no purulent inflammation, antibiotics and pain relievers are prescribed. After a stable decrease in temperature, warming compresses are applied and physiotherapy is prescribed.

Pulsating Ear Pain - Treatment and Diagnosis
Pulsating Ear Pain - Treatment and Diagnosis

In the case of a prolonged inflammatory process, the pain in the ear begins to pulsate, which indicates the appearance of pus. After some time, purulent discharge breaks through the eardrum, starting to stand out from the ear canal. As a rule, this will reduce the temperature and the pain will decrease. If there is no discharge, there is a risk of complications. This is a complete or partial hearing loss, and brain damage is also possible.

If pulsating ear pain occurs, treatment involves first draining the pus through the ear canal. For this, in addition to the use of antibiotics, it is often necessary to make a puncture in the eardrum and install a special drainage. As a result, the patient's well-being improves, the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced. After recovery, the hole formed in the eardrum gradually tightens. When a pulsating pain in the ear appears, the treatment of which requires a rather serious medical manipulation, it is necessary to seek help in a timely manner.

Quite often, the development of the inflammatory process in the body contributes to the appearance of pain in the ears, the treatment of such a condition should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. This need is due to the fact that the organ of hearing is in close proximity to the brain. As a result of improper or untimely treatment, serious complications can arise.

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