Glomerulitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Glomerulitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Glomerulitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Glomerulitis [glomerulitis; lat. glomerulus, diminutive of glomus - tangle + it (word-image suffix) - inflammatory process] - inflammation of the renal glomerulus; is the leading element of morphological changes in glomerulonephritis.

Types of glomerulitis:

  • intracapillary (intracapillaris) - characterized by the expansion of the mesangium (connective tissue that connects the capillary loops of the glomerulus with each other) and the proliferation of cellular elements in it;
  • focal (focalis; synonym: lobular glomerulitis) - characterized by proliferation within the renal glomerulus lobule;
  • exudative (exsudativa) - characterized by the concentration of exudate in the cavity of the capsule of the renal glomerulus; as an independent form is extremely rare;
  • extracapillary (extracapillaris) - characterized by the proliferation of tissue covering the capsule (epithelium) of the renal glomerulus in the form of half moon, squeezing the capillary loops of the glomerulus and filling the capsule lumen.

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