Eye Accommodation - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Eye Accommodation - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Eye Accommodation - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:


Eye accommodation

Eye accommodation (accomodatio oculi; Latin accomodatio - adaptation, adaptation) is a physiological process characterized by changes in the refractive power of the eye during visual perception of objects located at different distances from it.


  • Absolute eye accommodation (accomodatio oculi absoluta) - a set of eye accommodation parameters (area and volume of accommodation), which were measured separately for each eye;
  • Internal eye accommodation (accomodatio oculi interna; synonym: lens accommodation of the eye) - the accommodation of the eye, which is caused by changes in the refractive index of the lens, arising from the contraction of the ciliary muscle;
  • External accommodation of the eye (accomodatio oculi externa; synonym: non-lens accommodation of the eye) is the accommodation of the eye, which is caused by changes in the anteroposterior size of the eye during contraction of its external muscles. The existence of external eye accommodation in humans has not been proven;
  • The relative accommodation of the eye (accomodatio oculi relativa) is a set of parameters of the eye accommodation (area and volume of accommodation), which were measured during binocular fixation of the object, i.e. with a certain degree of convergence;
  • Intracapsular accommodation of the eye (accomodatio oculi intracapsularis; synonym: intracapsular accommodation of the eye) - internal accommodation of the eye, which is caused by the movement of lens fibers during contractions of the ciliary muscle;
  • Extracapsular accommodation of the eye (accomodatio oculi extracapsularis; synonym: extracapsular accommodation of the eye) is the internal accommodation of the eye, which is caused by a change in the curvature of the lens surfaces during contractions of the ciliary muscle.

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