Instructions for use:
- 1. Pharmacological action
- 2. Release form
- 3. Analogs
- 4. Indications for use
- 5. Contraindications
- 6. Method of application
- 7. Drug interactions
- 8. Side effects
- 9. Storage conditions
Prices in online pharmacies:
from 777 rub.

Omnadren 250 is an androgenic medication used when it is necessary to increase testosterone levels in men and women in the treatment of various diseases caused by its deficiency.
Pharmacological action of Omnadren
The active components of Omnadren are a mixture of different types of testosterone, which plays an important role in the body. Testosterone:
- For men, it stimulates spermatogenesis, and is also necessary for the constitution of the body, the formation of seminal vesicles and sexual behavior, the prostate gland, testicles and the development of sexual characteristics (secondary and tertiary). In addition, it reduces the severity of the negative manifestations of male menopause;
- For women, it suppresses the function of the mammary glands (being an antagonist of female sex hormones), and also helps to inhibit the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland.
Testosterone has a pronounced anabolic effect, enhancing calcium fixation in the bones, stimulating protein synthesis and the formation of erythropoietin in the kidneys, increasing muscle mass and increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood.
The testosterone esters that are part of Omnadren have different rates of absorption and excretion. This contributes to the rapid development of the therapeutic effect and its long-term effect (up to a month) after a single injection.
Omnadren release form
Medication Omnadren 250 is released in the form of an oily transparent solution for injection of light yellow color with a content of 1 ml:
- 60 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate;
- 30 mg testosterone propionate;
- 60 mg testosterone isocapronate;
- 100 mg of testosterone capronate;
- Excipients - benzyl alcohol and peanut oil d / i.
In ampoules of 1 ml.
Omnadren's analogs
The medicines Sustanon-250, Testenat and Tetrasterone are analogues of Omnadren 250 in terms of active ingredients.
By the mechanism of action, Omnadren analogs include:
- Nebido and Testosterone propionate (as a solution for intramuscular injection);
- Andriol TK (in capsule form);
- Methyltestosterone (tablet form);
- Androgel (in the form of a gel for external use).
Indications for the use of Omnadren
According to the instructions, Omnadren is prescribed to men for treatment:
- Oligospermia;
- Infertility caused by impaired spermatogenesis;
- Post-castration syndrome;
- Hypopituitarism;
- Eunuchoidism;
- Male menopause;
- Impotence;
- Androgen deficiency, including adiposogenital syndrome and Addison's disease.
For women, the appointment of the medication Omnadren 250 is effective in treating:
- Breast and ovarian cancer;
- Osteoporosis (against the background of androgen deficiency);
- Conditions associated with menopause (usually in combination with estrogens);
- Uterine fibroids;
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with hyperestrogenism;
- Premenstrual tension syndrome;
- Endometriosis.
In addition, according to the instructions, Omnadren is prescribed to women with various forms of hermaphroditism in order to virilize the external genital organs.
Contraindications to the use of Omnadren according to the instructions are:
- Gynecomastia;
- Prostate carcinoma (established or suspected);
- Hypercalciuria;
- Asthenia;
- Breast-feeding;
- Hypercalcemia;
- Heart, liver and kidney failure;
- Pregnancy;
- Hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components that make up the medication.
Omnadren is not indicated for use in prepubertal boys and elderly men.
Method of using Omnadren
Omnadren according to the instructions should be injected deep intramuscularly (into the gluteus muscle).
Doses of the drug are usually set individually, depending on the purpose and response to the therapy:
- In the treatment of primary male hypogonadism, Omnadren 250 is administered once 1 ml every 7-14-21 days;
- In the treatment of male menopause - once every fourteenth day, 1 ml, and after reaching the therapeutic effect - once every 21 days;
- In the treatment of infertility in men - 2 ml once every 14 days;
- In the treatment of climacteric syndrome, women are prescribed one injection of 1 ml every 14-21 days;
- During the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer - 1-2 ml for a long time every 7-14 days.

Data on Omnadren overdose are not provided in the instructions.
Omnadren drug interactions
Against the background of diabetes mellitus, the medication can cause a decrease in blood glucose levels and insulin requirements.
With the combined use of Omnadren 250 with anticoagulants, blood coagulation indicators should be constantly monitored, and with simultaneous use with glucocorticosteroids, the risk of peripheral edema increases, especially against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.
The effect of Omnadren 250 therapy is reduced by drugs that induce the induction of microsomal liver enzymes, including salicylates, rifampicin, carbamazepine, barbiturates, phenytoin, phenylbutazone and primidone.
Side effects of Omnadren
Omnadren, according to reviews, can lead to disruption of some body systems and cause the development of:
- Acne, male pattern baldness (dermatological reactions);
- Libido disorders (reproductive system);
- Headaches, fear, paresthesias (central and peripheral nervous system);
- Nausea, abnormal liver function, hepatic purpura, neoplastic liver diseases, cholestatic jaundice (digestive system);
- Increase in plasma cholesterol levels (metabolism).
Endocrine system disorders during the use of Omnadren, according to reviews, can proceed in the form of:
- Dysmenorrhea, inhibition of gonadotropin secretion, masculinization, hirsutism (in women);
- Gynecomastia, priapism, oligospermia, spermatogenesis disorders (in men);
- Premature puberty and closure of the epiphyses of the bones (in boys).
From local reactions, Omnadren, according to reviews, most often causes pain and inflammation at the injection site.
Omnadren 250 should be prescribed with caution in delayed puberty, and the condition of the skeletal system must also be monitored every six months.
When treating breast cancer with Omnadren, hypercalcemia associated with stimulation of osteolysis can develop, which can increase the process of metastasis to the bone system.
If symptoms of hepatitis occur or with the development of jaundice, the use of Omnadren 250 should be discontinued until the cause of deterioration in liver parameters is identified.
With the development of peripheral edema that occurs against the background of liver, cardiovascular or kidney diseases, the drug should be canceled.
Storage conditions
Omnadren 250 refers to androgenic medicines, dispensed strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The shelf life of the solution is 36 months, subject to standard storage conditions at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.
When a precipitate in the form of flakes appears in the solution, the ampoule should be placed in warm water (no more than 37 degrees Celsius) for several minutes.
Omnadren: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Omnadren 250 solution for intramuscular injection (oil) 1 ml 1 pc. 777 RUB Buy |
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!