Instructions for use:
- 1. General characteristics
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications
- 4. Method of application
- 5. Contraindications
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Release form
- 8. Terms and conditions of storage
GA-40 is a complex of polypeptides isolated from environmentally friendly plant material. GA-40 contains chromatographically purified standardized polypeptide combination. In medical practice, GA-40 is used as a clear colorless solution.
general characteristics
main physical and chemical properties: lyophilized white powder with a specific odor;
COMPOSITION: 1 vial contains 1 mg (1000 μg) of the complex of HA-40 polypeptides isolated from the extract (1:40) of the ringed (Polgonatum varticillatum); excipients: sodium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
Release form. Lyophilized powder for solution for injection.
Pharmacotherapeutic group. Antineoplastic drug. AST code L01C.
Pharmacological properties

Preclinical and clinical trials show that the therapeutic agent GA-40 in relation to tumor cells is characterized by cytostatic activity, is an immunomodulator and belongs to immunocorrectors or drugs of the immunorehabilitation type.
GA-40 restores T and B indices of immune cell systems. In particular, the quantitative indices of T-total, T-active, T-helper, T-cytotoxic, T-suppressor cells, normal killers (NK cells), leukocytes, macrophages, platelets, eosinophils, basophils, stab, segmented, monocytes; GA-40 restores the level of immunoglobulins in the blood, reduces the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, stimulates the production of cytokines, including c-interferons and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a).
Unlike chemotherapy-oncological drugs, GA-40 does not damage normal cells of the body, which determines its practically harmless effect on any organs and tissues.
GA-40 normalizes many biochemical blood parameters disturbed by various negative factors: the content of total protein, albumin, globulins, urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, free and bound bilirubin, glucose, as well as the following marker enzymes - alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate β-aminotransferase (AST), g-glutamine transpeptidase (g-GP), alkaline phosphatase.
During the treatment with the drug GA-40, there is a positive dynamics of indicators of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), α-fetoprotein (AFP), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and other specific tumor markers. GA-40 also has a positive effect on blood levels of sodium, calcium, potassium and other minerals.
GA-40 is used:
In the treatment of malignant tumors.
GA-40 gives a chance to improve the condition of patients even with advanced tumor processes, in the treatment of which the possibilities of the main traditional methods have been exhausted. GA-40 is characterized by a double effect on tumor formations: a direct necrotic effect on tumors of epithelial tissues of all organs (i.e., on carcinomas, but GA-40 does not have a direct effect on sarcomas - connective tissue tumors), and indirectly, through the activation of anti-tumor immunity to tumors of all organs and types, except for some types of leukemia. GA-40 inhibits the growth of malignant cells, promotes tumor regression and resorption of metastases, reduces pain, improves quality and significantly increases the life expectancy of patients.
The use of GA-40 is recommended before surgery, since with the formation of a primary malignant tumor, latent metastases in the body are already common (70% of cases), although their progressive development is suppressed by this primary tumor. Moreover, the primary tumor reduces or even disables the anti-tumor mechanisms of the immune system. GA-40 normalizes the immune system and promotes the resorption of hidden metastases, thereby the primary tumor is localized.
The use of GA-40 is also recommended after surgery, since postoperative stress, especially in the first week, usually causes a significant decrease in immunity, which increases the risk of developing infections and new metastases. Postoperative use of GA-40 prevents the spread of metastases, and also accelerates the processes of postoperative recovery.
The use of GA-40 is recommended both before the start of radiation and chemotherapy, during their implementation, and after their completion.
The toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the body of cancer patients often cause severe complications and, therefore, forced delays or even stopping treatment. Another problem is the initial resistance of some tumor cells to the drugs used, as well as the resistance acquired during treatment. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy also cause genetic mutations in normal cells and, as a result, the likelihood of qualitatively new types of tumors increases.
The use of GA-40 in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy significantly reduces the toxic manifestation of these therapies, the possibility of their use and their effectiveness increase; the body is largely protected from the appearance of new tumors.
In the treatment of certain types of leukemia.
GA-40 as monotherapy or in combination (in combination) with other types of therapies is used in the treatment of acute myeloblastic and megakaryoblastic leukemias. When using GA-40, stimulation of hematopoietic processes, as well as the transformation of malignant cells into normal cells of the body, is noted.
In the treatment of benign and other neoplasms - mastitis, fibroma, myoma, adenoma, cystosis, etc.
In the treatment of allergic diseases - bronchial asthma, etc.
In the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, acute and chronic viral hepatitis (Hepatitis-A, B, C), cirrhosis of various origins, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, prostatitis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, cystitis and others.)
GA-40 is used for prophylactic safe treatment of genetic susceptibility to tumor diseases closely associated with adverse environmental factors. At any age, hundreds of regenerating and cancerous cells are formed in the human body every day, which in people with normal immune systems are instantly recognized and destroyed. The likelihood of the occurrence of tumors in the body of people with a weakened and even more inferior immunity is quite high. In order to reduce the risk of oncological and nonspecific diseases, as well as to increase the body's resistance to viral and other infectious diseases, it is recommended that a course of treatment with GA-40 be carried out twice a year, especially for persons over the age of 40-50.
Assessment of the therapeutic mono-effect of GA-40 on stage 3-4 cancer patients.
- Best effect (significant improvement) -12%
- Good effect (improvement) - 33%
- Satisfactory effect (process stabilization) -46%
- No effect - 9%
- Negative effect (deterioration) - 0%
Mode of application
GA-40 is used as a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. Each vial containing the lyophilized powder is added with 5 ml of water for injection, gently shaken until the powder is completely dissolved. The dose of one injection is 2 μg / kg body weight (0.01 ml / kg body weight). One course of treatment is 21 injections, which are carried out according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Treatment continues until complete remission of tumor and other diseases. As a rule, treatment includes at least 7 courses, with pauses between them 10-14 days, after which, for the purpose of prevention, single repeated courses are recommended at intervals of 2-4 months.
The use of GA-40 is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Side effects
No side effects were observed during treatment with GA-40. GA-40 improves the structural and functional indicators of all vital organs. This ensures the efficacy and safety of the treatment of not only the underlying disease, but also eliminates the side effects both in the case of GA-40 monotherapy and in the combination of GA-40 with other drugs and traditional methods.
Release form
GA-40 is available in the form of a lyophilized powder or 0.02% ready-to-use solution for injection in vials.
Storage conditions and periods
The drug should be stored in a dark place at temperatures from 4 o to +10 o C.
Shelf life: in the form of a powder 12 months, in the form of an injection solution 2 months.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!